IPtables Logging to different log file

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I would like to change the location of my log information created by iptables usage. I am running RH7.3 kernel 2.4.20, iptables v1.2.8.


I have the following in my syslog.conf file:

#Log iptables stuff to iptables log
kern.3                     /var/log/iptables

And in my firewall script...

$IPTABLES -A LOG_DROP -j LOG --log-tcp-options --log-level 3 --log-ip-options --log-prefix "[IPTABLES DROP] : "

This does log some information to /var/log/iptables but it takes longer (about a 2-3 minute delay) to get to that file than to /var/log/messages (which it still logs to).

I have seen the local0 - local7 syslogd facilities but am a little unsure how to use them. Does anybody have an idea???

Ideally, I would like to log all my iptables log to /var/log/iptables and not to /var/log/messages at all...




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