Daniel Arjona wrote:
One word of possible advice. The amount of
assistance/help you get is indirectly proportional
to the amount of caps in the subject matter.
(Of course, this only applies to the typical,
desperate posts, and not to the actual verbiage
that depends on caps, ie. DNAT, SNAT, POSTROUTING..
Also, don't include your original message to
your current message. It confuses the reader
as to what your real problem is.
I tried to do ping to my router and also i do the same to the ip address of
my dns servers and the both fails. But the server (with iptables, mail,
squis, and others) doit everytihng.
Perhaps if you could actually show us what your network
layout is like, someone here might be able to help. As it
stands, I'm a little confused as to which IP is which.
Basic information I suppose would help would be your
router's Internal IP, your dns server ip and whatever
IP you believe is pertinant to this issue.
Furthermore, have you set up your workstations to use
the server as the gateway(assuming of course, that _is_
your original intention).