Re: [LARTC] Performanace fo the Iptables Server

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>>>>> "Hare" == hare ram <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Hare> Hi Stef Thats right, if i make cron job run every 5min, so i
    Hare> will loose only 5min of data.

    Hare> i was not understand " You can record the difference between
    Hare> the 2 reads and discard negative values. "

    Hare> you mean to say first 5min and next 5min bytes increasing ok
    Hare> if not i will discard and take new values you mean.

    Hare> If i make the log to mysql, so it will be 24hours right is
    Hare> there anything i can make every 5min dump the data to Mysql
    Hare> using ULOG

...or just use iptables -L -v -z to read the counters afresh each
5 minutes.  -z will zero them out after displaying the current

-- Raju
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