Hi Everyone, I have two interfaces, eth1 and eth2 I have multiple vlans on a eth1, that is, eth1.1 and eth1.2, eth1.3 Eth2 is the external interface to the internet. Vlan1 uses the following network address: Vlan2 uses the following network address: also Vlan3 uses the following network address: I have NAT working for the vlans, that is, clients are able to access the external internet using nat. However, there are servers on Vlan2 which I would like to forward traffic to from the external interface, I would imagine that I could do something like: iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j DNAT --to But I cannot specify an interface -i eth1.2 in the prerouting, because it occurs pre-routing? How can I forward traffic to a host on a vlan when the vlans don't use unique addressing schemes?.. I was thinking I may have to -j REDIRECT the traffic to another chain, and forward it from there? Any Ideas or solutions would be most appreciated :) Regards, Damien Mason