Hello everyone. I'm cross posting this message because I'm not sure if my problem is a Freeswan, IPTables, or both ;). I can establish only one VPN connection to our internal network. If someone else connects, I can no-longer see our network, if I run ipsec.exe on my workstation (from home) I can reconnect and the other person gets booted off. My firewall is acting as the Freeswan VPN server, I'm running Linux 2.4.21, Super-freeswan- and grsecurity (it doesn't matter if I have grsec enabled or disabled, I get the same results). I'm sure it's something stupid that I'm missing.. and I hope that some additional pairs of eyes can help me determine what I'm doing wrong. Here's my IPTables rules: # eth1 is external IP of FW/VPN server $IPTABLES -N eth1_In_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i eth1 -p udp -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP --destination-port 500 -m state --state NEW -j eth1_In_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i eth1 -p 50 -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP -m state --state NEW -j eth1_In_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i eth1 -p 51 -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP -m state --state NEW -j eth1_In_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A eth1_In_RULE_0 -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix "IPSec_IN " $IPTABLES -A eth1_In_RULE_0 -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -N eth1_Out_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p udp -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP --destination-port 500 -m state NEW -j eth1_IN_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p 50 -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP -m state --state NEW -j eth1_Out_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o eth1 -p 51 -d $FW_VPN_EXT_IP -m state --state NEW -j eth1_Out_RULE_0 $IPTABLES -A eth1_Out_RULE_0 -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix "IPSec_OUT " $IPTABLES -A eth1_Out_RULE_0 -j ACCEPT # eth0 is the internal (trusted) Iface of the FW $IPTABLES -N RULE_IPSec_FORWARD $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o ipsec+ -j RULE_IPSec_FORWARD $IPTABLES -A FORWARD -i ipsec+ -o eth0 -j RULE_IPSec_FORWARD $IPTABLES -A RULE_IPSec_FORWARD -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix "IPSec_int_Iface_FORWARD " $IPTABLES -A RULE_IPSec_FORWARD -j ACCEPT --------------------- WinXP ipsec.conf -- No NAT on client side conn roadwarrior left=%any right=207.xxx.xxx.xxx (external IP of FW/VPN server) rightca="commented-out" network=auto auto=start pfs=yes conn roadwarrior-net left=%any right=207.xxx.xxx.xxx (external IP of FW/VPN server) rightsubnet=xxx.xx.xxx.0/ (internal real IP network) rightca="commented-out" network=auto auto=start pfs=yes ------------------------------------ /etc/ipsec.conf on server config setup interfaces=%defaultroute klipsdebug=none plutodebug=none plutoload=%search plutostart=%search uniqueids=yes conn %default keyingtries=1 compress=yes disablearrivalcheck=no authby=rsasig leftrsasigkey=%cert rightrsasigkey=%cert conn roadwarrior-net leftsubnet=xxx.xx.xxx.0/ (internal real IP network) also=roadwarrior conn roadwarrior right=%any left=%defaultroute leftcert=Server.CertFilename.pem auto=add pfs=yes Thank you very much for your help! -->jim