Hello, i cant get the -j IMQ of iptables work. I applyed this patch (http://trash.net/~kaber/imq/linux-2.4.21-imq-1.diff) to my 2.4.21 kernel and this patch (http://trash.net/~kaber/imq/pom-20030625.diff) to my pom 20030107. I did the chmod +x the the imq files on POM. After applyed i added the netfilter module for IMQ and the networking debice IMQ. Compiled ok the kernel, reboted. The imq device can be created..the htb etc too..but when i try to do the: tino:/wk/htb# iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i ppp0 -j IMQ iptables v1.2.8: Couldn't load target `IMQ':/usr/local/lib/iptables/libipt_IMQ.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I tryed recompiling iptables 1.2.8, when doing make i see al the extra modules i added (string, time, mport, etc) but not the imq one. What could be happen here? -- Slds.