"marekjs" <slackware9@xxxxxxx> writes: > -/pending/40_nf-log (ipv4 and ipv6 too) Looking into pending I found : - 40_nf-log.patch : ipv4 patch - 40_nf-log.patch.help : p-o-m help - 40_nf-log.patch.ipv6 : ipv6 patch - 40_nf-log.patch.ipv6.depend - 40_nf-log.patch.ipv6.help - 40_nf-log.patch.userspace : patch to userspace//extensions/libipt_ULOG.c For me the 40_nf-log doen't apply by when I make patch my kernel source by hand with the 40_nf-log.path and the ipv6 one in dry-run mode, everything seems to be correct. I suppose it come from the userspace patch, which should be in userspace directory, isn't it ? -- Daniel 'NebuchadnezzaR' Dehennin