hello :) It seems that we found another endian problem in the h323 Found in: patch-o-matic-20030615 File: extra/h323-conntrack-nat.patch affects: linux/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_conntrack_h323.c Error description: Loading ip_nat_h323 with modprobe fails, because ip_conntrack_h323 cannot be found in internal list due to wrong tuple initialization. --------------- snip ---------------- static struct ip_conntrack_helper h225 = { { NULL, NULL }, "H.225", /* name */ IP_CT_HELPER_F_REUSE_EXPECT, /* flags */ THIS_MODULE, /* module */ 2, /* max_expected */ 240, /* timeout */ { { 0, { __constant_htons(H225_PORT) } }, /* tuple */ { 0, { 0 }, IPPROTO_TCP } }, { { 0, { 0xFFFF } }, /* mask */ { 0, { 0 }, 0xFFFF } }, h225_help /* helper */ }; should be: static struct ip_conntrack_helper h225 = { { NULL, NULL }, "H.225", /* name */ IP_CT_HELPER_F_REUSE_EXPECT, /* flags */ THIS_MODULE, /* module */ 2, /* max_expected */ 240, /* timeout */ { { 0, { .tcp = { __constant_htons(H225_PORT) } } }, /* tuple */ { 0, { 0 }, IPPROTO_TCP } }, { { 0, { .tcp = { 0xFFFF } } }, /* mask */ { 0, { 0 }, 0xFFFF } }, h225_help /* helper */ }; best regards Robert & Markus ------------------ Epygi Labs DE | Herrenstraße 23 Robert Allmeroth | 76133 Karlsruhe Tel: +49 721 20596 43 | Fax: +49 721 20596 59