Tsuyoshi Takada wrote:
I want to limit Web DoS attack.
I have set the following but it does not work well.
iptables -N flood-chk
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 --syn -j flood-chk
iptables -A flood-chk -m limit --limit 1/sec --limit-burst 2 -j RETURN
iptables -A flood-chk -j LOG --log-prefix "IPTABLES HTTP FLOOD-PACKET"
iptables -A flood-chk -j DROP
After I accessed to my web site,
I pushed reload button of my web browser repeatedly but
I was not denied by iptables.
These rules work for me. Note however that if you hit the limit,
your browser will automatically retransmit and succeed if it is at
least 1 second later. You should notice a delay in loading the
page when the browser has to retransmit. You should also get the
syslog message.
If you change the DROP to a REJECT, then your browser will display
'connection refused' when it reaches the limit, rather than
retransmitting. (Using REJECT isn't good for protection against
a DoS attack though, just do this for testing that the rules
are working.)
I would also recommend putting a limit on the rule for the LOG
message, otherwise it is possible to flood your logs.
Philip Craig - philipc@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://www.SnapGear.com
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances