Hi all, I´m using Debian 2.4.18, standing to compile 2.4.20 with advanced routing options.. I have an ADSL 512/128 connection on eth0 and a dedicated optic fiber 256/256 on eth2 and my local interface is eth1. I need to load balance or at least use this two internet ifaces at the same time. When a bring the two interfaces up I, neither of them works... when I switch this two ifaces there are DNS problems since this two ifaces uses different DNS servers.. How can I use this two ifaces at the same time, without errors? What options should I enable in kernel configuration? And about the DNS? Can I do something like use eth2 just for published internet services, and eth0 for normal internet access? What Tools I need and how to use then? Thanks... Guilherme B. Viebig 1. manipulação de rede maliciosa: tentativa bem sucedida ou não de acessar informações sigilosas, indisponibilizar serviços, e qualquer tipo de ação não documentada e fornecida pela vitima.