Hi, I have made a few firewall rules, almost stolen from IP-Masquerading HOWTO. Can you please check them and tell about any loopholes. I have a lan of 15 computers and a central linux server. Users can telnet, ping, http, ssh, pop3, smtp in this linux box if only they belong to the lan. Also, users of the lan have internet access to everything except www, how do I mention it? Only ip,, have www net access also. Rest no. So as not to waste bandwidth I have put the rules on my site at www.geocities.com/rpayal99/firewall-b1.txt Please have a look at them and suggest changes. For security I have just made a small change to external IP, but the rest of all the rules are kept as they are. With warm regards, -Payal -- "Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories" www.geocities.com/rpayal99 Guest-Book Section Updated.