It seems to work pretty well, but I believe there are still some loose ends. So I wouldn't (yet) recommend it for production systems.
I've had a lot of fun with the project, and there seems to be a real need for it, but just can't take any more time out to work on it. If anyone is interested using in maintaining the script (under the GPL), please feel free to do so. I'd certainly appreciate an email indicating your interest. Ideally, I'd like to see it distributed with iptables-save/restore.
Don't let all the SED/AWK code scare you -- It's pretty straightforward text parsing stuff.
Have fun!
------------- #!/bin/sh # [IP] [T]ables [to] [SH]ell Script IPtables parsing utility # Copyright (c) 2003 by Edwin A. Suominen, # Registered Patent Agent & Technology Consultant # Electrical Engineering * DSP * mySQL * Programming * Networking # # This script is licensed under the GNU Public License as last # published prior to the copright year by the Free Software # Foundation, which license is incorporated herein by reference. #
### Functions usage() { echo \ "Usage: `basename $0` ?-f <FILTER dump>? \ ?-m <MANGLE dump>? ?-n <NAT dump>?" }
makestr() { eval local X=\"$`echo $1`\" if [ -z $X ]; then # ...from shell $IPT -L -n -v -t `echo $1 |tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` |tr '\n' '~' else # ...from file cat $1 |tr '\n' '\\n' fi }
### Setup ## Write temporary awk scripts TMP=/tmp/.ipt2sh echo '{ if($1=="Chain") { # Beginning of Chain Section printf "%da\n%db # %s\n",NR,NR,$0 > LEFT CHAIN=$2 if($3~/\policy/) { # Built-in Chain printf "-P %s %s\n",CHAIN,$4 > TOP } else { # User-defined Chain printf "-N %s\n",CHAIN > TOP } printf "%da~%db~",NR,NR > RIGHT
} else { # Rule Definition if($3!="target" && NF > 0) { printf "%d -A %s",NR,CHAIN > LEFT; if($6!="*") { printf " -i %s",$6 > LEFT } if($7!="*") { printf " -o %s",$7 > LEFT } if($2~/tcp|udp|icmp/) { printf " -p %s",$4 > LEFT } printf " -s %s -d %s -j %s\n",$8,$9,$3 > LEFT printf "%d",NR > RIGHT for(i=10; i <= NF; i++) printf " %s",$i > RIGHT printf "~" > RIGHT } else { if($1~/^#/) { printf "%d %s\n",NR,$0 > LEFT printf "%d~",NR > RIGHT }} }} END { printf "99999\n\n" > LEFT }' > $TMP-awk-1
echo ' function parsebits(x, d,y) { d=16*substr(x,3,1)+substr(x,4,1); y="" if(and(d,32)) { printf "%sURG",y; y="," } if(and(d,16)) { printf "%sACK",y; y="," } if(and(d,8)) { printf "%sPSH",y; y="," } if(and(d,4)) { printf "%sRST",y; y="," } if(and(d,2)) { printf "%sSYN",y; y="," } if(and(d,1)) { printf "%sFIN",y; y="," } if(y=="") { printf "NONE" } } {
printf "%s",$1; i=1; flag=""; protocol=" --protocol tcp" while(i<=NF) { i++ if($i~/tcp|udp/) continue if($i~/^dpt/) { printf "%s --dport %s",protocol,substr($i,index($i,":")+1); i++ protocol="" } if($i~/^spt/) { printf "%s --sport %s",protocol,substr($i,index($i,":")+1); i++ protocol="" } if($i=="state") { printf " -m state --state %s",$(++i) } if($i=="TOS") { if($(++i)=="set") { printf " --set-tos %s",$(++i) } else { printf " -m tos --tos %s",$(++i) } } if($i=="reject-with") { printf " --reject-with %s",$(++i) } if($i~/^limit/) { if (flag!="limit") { printf " -m limit"; flag="limit" } if($(++i)~/avg/) { printf " --limit %s",$(++i) } if($(++i)~/burst/) { printf " --limit-burst %d",$(++i) } } if($i~/LOG/ || flag=="log") { flag="log" if($(i+1)=="level") { printf " --log-level %d",$(++i) } else { if($(i+1)=="prefix") { printf " --log-prefix "; i++ while(++i<=NF) { printf " %s",$i } } else { i++ }} } if($i~/^to:/) { x=substr($i,index($i,":")+1); i++ if($1=="SNAT") { printf " --to-source %s",x } else { printf " --to-destination %s",x } } if($i~/^flags:/) { printf "%s --tcp-flags ",protocol x=substr($i,index($i,":")+1) if(substr(x,1,1)=="!") { printf "! "; x=substr(x,2) } split(x,hex,"/") parsebits(hex[1]) printf " " parsebits(hex[2]) } } printf "\n" } END { printf "99999\n\n" }' > $TMP-awk-2
## Read specified iptables dump files or generate dumps while getopts :n:m:f:o: OPTION do case $OPTION in n) NAT=$OPTARG ;; m) MANGLE=$OPTARG ;; f) FILTER=$OPTARG ;; *) usage ;; esac done
## Misc definitions # Define iptables command IPT=`whereis iptables |awk '{print $2}'` # Read IPtables dumps FILTER=`makestr FILTER` MANGLE=`makestr MANGLE` NAT=`makestr NAT`
## BEGIN output header echo " #!/bin/sh # Generated `date +%x` by ipt2sh # [IP] [T]ables [to] [SH]ell Script IPtables parsing utility # by Edwin A. Suominen, # Registered Patent Agent & Technology Consultant # Electrical Engineering * DSP * mySQL * Programming * Networking
### Initialize iptables IPT=$IPT for i in filter mangle nat do \$IPT -t \$i -F \$IPT -t \$i -X \$IPT -t \$i -Z done
### Initialize chains" > $TMP-top ## END output header
### Parse dump for each table for i in FILTER MANGLE NAT do ### Pass 1: Parse the tabulated parts of dump text eval IN=\"\$`echo $i`\" echo "$IN" |tr '~' '\n' | \ awk -f $TMP-awk-1 LEFT=$TMP-left RIGHT=$TMP-right-1 TOP=$TMP-top-1
### Pass 2: Parse the extra stuff in dump text cat $TMP-right-1 |awk -f $TMP-awk-2 RS=~ | \ tr "[\`\']" "\"" > $TMP-right
join $TMP-left $TMP-right | \ cut --delim=' ' -f2- | \ sed s/^[0-9].*$// |sed "s/^\-/-t `echo $i | \ tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` -/" | \ awk '{ if($1~/^\-/) {\ printf "$IPT %s\n",$0 } else { print $0 } }' | \ sed 's/0\.0\.0\.0\/0/0\/0/g' | \ sed 1i"### Table: $i" > $TMP-$i
### Fix chain definition lines added for this table cat $TMP-top-1 |sed "s/^\-/\$IPT -t `echo $i | \ tr [:upper:] [:lower:]` -/" >> $TMP-top done
### Massage output before directing to stdout echo -e "\n" >> $TMP-top cat $TMP-top $TMP-FILTER $TMP-MANGLE $TMP-NAT echo -e "###EOF"
### Delete temp files rm $TMP*
### EOF