hi , im trying tom make an kernel build with pptp
support i have made the kernel package , with
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0
an it givme an kernel-image-2.4.20_custom.1.0_i386.deb
the problem is this :
wen i install the kernel the iptables shome an error message
like unknown version or wrong version.
i know that all kernel patchs for h323 ppt etc needs to have iptables
but when i compile the k-pkg and install it it doesn´t install the new
iptables , the question is :
how can i do to create an iptables package wich i can install next to my
kernel package?
my intention is to create a working kernel package with an iptables package
to solve a lot of people problems in gatewas and firewalls who has to make pptp
h323 talk etc etc etc .-
and to publicate this kernel package to anyone can download.
thanks a lot for your time
and please forgive my very bad english
Diego |