Core developer and all people include in this list.
I'm Paul Villacreses
Student University's ESPOL -FIEC- Ecuador
Here i have :
LAN ---------- eth1 ------ MyBridge -------eth0 -------- Internet
I have linux Redhat 8.0
I'm developing a software using library libiptc, for put rules programming
in the table filter inside chain FORWARD and can block port IP like
udp,tcp,icmp etc,
but ,i want put rules in the table nat for REDIRECT and change NAT some
with libiptc i cant because it accept this targets
and furthermore, I want to put all this rules programming, not with script,
for block port TCP like DNS,SNMP,HTTP,TELNET etc.
I read inside de iptables and i think(correct me please if i wrong) it
charge extended dinamic library(like tcpxxxx.so) for put this rules in the
iptables program.
Please can Anybody explaint me
How Can i put rules for block ports TCP?
How can i put rules in table nat for REDIRECT or DNAT(PREROUTING) or
thank for the super help
thank so much if you answer this question.
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