Well, I added a logging rule before that: iptables -A INPUT --source \ -j LOG --log-level info --log-prefix "iptables " But when ever something gets through, it isn't being logged either... If I do "iptables -L -v", then I see that both rules (first the LOG, then the DROP) have the same packet count. I can try using "-I" instead, but I'd also like to log, so how would I do that? Am I missing something fundamental? RMC --- Maciej Soltysiak <solt@dns.toxicfilms.tv> wrote: > > iptables -A INPUT --source -j DROP > > > > Now, shouldn't that block any and ALL traffic from > any > > computer on the 192.168.*.* subnet? > well that is enough to block all packets from that > subnet, > however, maybe you have other rules that accept > traffic before > this rule. > try -I INPUT to put it at the begining of the chain. > > Regards, > Maciej Soltysiak > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus.yahoo.com