El Mar 14 Ene 2003 18:43, gonet wireless escribió: > I have a link on my web server router linux mandrake 8.2 which shows > nothing(white page) inside and outside of my network. I add INPUT( -A INPUT > -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT) rule in my firewall(iptables > 1.2.5) and now i can browse this link inside my network but none outside. I > add OUTPUT( -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT) rule but > I'm not able to browse this link outside my network. I don't catch what's > wrong If trouble isn't in yor web server configuration for that link or <directory> directive, and, as I can see in your rules, you have at least two ethernet devices _eth0_ for output packets and _eth1_ in the input rule, you should indicate the script that IP address against you want connection packets will be head for. If I am in mistake, please correct me. Regards -Miguel Angel Baeyens KeyID: 0x6FB7A511 en rediris.es