can't load the script

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Hi all,
I got the problem with my script.......every time I try to run my script, the system will say command not found.....what's wrong?....How can I check that I have all components installed for netfilter??....Here is my script:
# rc.firewall-2.4-stronger

echo -e "\nLoading STRONGER rc.firewall - version $FWVER..\n"

echo "  External Interface:  $EXTIF"
echo "  Internal Interface:  $INTIF"
echo "  ---"

 #/$EXTIF/'{next}//{split($0,a,":");split(a[2],a," ");print a[1];exit}'`"

#  STATIC IP addresses:
#  # out the EXTIP line above and un-# out the EXTIP line below
echo "  External IP: $EXTIP"
echo "  ---"

# Assign the internal TCP/IP network and IP address
echo "  Internal Network: $INTNET"
echo "  Internal IP:      $INTIP"
echo "  ---"
# Setting a few other local variables
# Some Servers
# ports

echo "  - Verifying that all kernel modules are ok"
echo -en "    Loading kernel modules: "
# With the new IPTABLES code, the core MASQ functionality is now either
# modular or compiled into the kernel.  This HOWTO shows ALL IPTABLES
# options as MODULES.  If your kernel is compiled correctly, there is
# NO need to load the kernel modules manually. 
#  - Loaded manually to clean up kernel auto-loading timing issues
echo -en "ip_tables, "
#Verify the module isn't loaded.  If it is, skip it
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_tables | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD ip_tables

#Load the IPTABLES filtering module - "iptable_filter"
#  - Loaded automatically when filter policies are activated

#  - Loaded manually to clean up kernel auto-loading timing issues
echo -en "ip_conntrack, "
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD ip_conntrack

#Load the FTP tracking mechanism for full FTP tracking
# Enabled by default -- insert a "#" on the next line to deactivate
echo -e "ip_conntrack_ftp, "
#Verify the module isn't loaded.  If it is, skip it
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack_ftp | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD ip_conntrack_ftp

#Load the IRC tracking mechanism for full IRC tracking
# Enabled by default -- insert a "#" on the next line to deactivate
echo -en "                             ip_conntrack_irc, "
#Verify the module isn't loaded.  If it is, skip it
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack_irc | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD ip_conntrack_irc

#Load the general IPTABLES NAT code - "iptable_nat"
#  - Loaded automatically when MASQ functionality is turned on
#  - Loaded manually to clean up kernel auto-loading timing issues
echo -en "iptable_nat, "
#Verify the module isn't loaded.  If it is, skip it
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP iptable_nat | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD iptable_nat

#Loads the FTP NAT functionality into the core IPTABLES code
# Required to support non-PASV FTP.
# Enabled by default -- insert a "#" on the next line to deactivate
echo -e "ip_nat_ftp"
#Verify the module isn't loaded.  If it is, skip it
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_nat_ftp | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $INSMOD ip_nat_ftp
echo "  ---"
#  Enable IP forwarding
echo "  Enabling forwarding.."
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# Enable Stronger IP forwarding and Masquerading
#Clearing any previous configuration
echo "  Clearing any existing rules and setting default policy to DROP.."
iptables -P INPUT DROP 
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP 
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -P FORWARD DROP 
iptables -F FORWARD
iptables -F -t nat
#Not needed and it will only load the unneeded kernel module
#iptables -F -t mangle
# Flush the user chain.. if it exists
if [ -n "`iptables -L | $GREP drop-and-log-it`" ]; then
   iptables -F drop-and-log-it
# Delete all User-specified chains
iptables -X
# Reset all IPTABLES counters
iptables -Z

#Configuring specific CHAINS for later use in the ruleset
echo "  Creating a DROP chain.."
iptables -N drop-and-log-it
iptables -A drop-and-log-it -j LOG --log-level info
iptables -A drop-and-log-it -j DROP
echo -e "\n   - Loading INPUT rulesets"

# INPUT: Incoming traffic from various interfaces.  All rulesets are
#        already flushed and set to a default policy of DROP.
# loopback interfaces are valid.
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -s $UNIVERSE -d $UNIVERSE -j ACCEPT

# local interface, local machines, going anywhere is valid

# remote interface, claiming to be local machines, IP spoofing, get lost
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -s $INTNET -d $UNIVERSE -j drop-and-log-it

# external interface, from any source, for ICMP traffic is valid
#  If you would like your machine to "ping" from the Internet,
#  enable this next line
#iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -p ICMP -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP -j ACCEPT

# remote interface, any source, going to permanent PPP address is valid
#iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP -j ACCEPT

# Allow any related traffic coming back to the MASQ server in
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP -m state --state \
# HTTPd - Enable the following lines if you run an EXTERNAL WWW server
#echo -e "      - Allowing EXTERNAL access to the WWW server"
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
 -p tcp -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
# SSH - Enable the SSH connection
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
 -p tcp -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
# VNC connection
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
 -p tcp -s $UNIVERSE -d $EXTIP --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p udp -s $DNS1 --sport 53 \
 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p tcp ! --syn -s DNS1 \
 --sport 53 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p udp -s $DNS2 --sport 53 \
 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p tcp ! --syn -s DNS2 \
 --sport 53 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p udp -s $DNS3 --sport 53 \
 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p tcp ! --syn -s DNS3 \
 --sport 53 -d $EXTIP --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
 -p tcp -s $SERVER1 -d $EXTIP --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i $EXTIF -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
 -p udp -s $SERVER1 -d $EXTIP --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
# ----- End OPTIONAL Section -----
# Catch all rule, all other incoming is denied and logged.
iptables -A INPUT -s $UNIVERSE -d $UNIVERSE -j drop-and-log-it

echo -e "   - Loading OUTPUT rulesets"
# OUTPUT: Outgoing traffic from various interfaces.  All rulesets are
#         already flushed and set to a default policy of DROP.
# loopback interface is valid.
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -s $UNIVERSE -d $UNIVERSE -j ACCEPT

# local interfaces, any source going to local net is valid
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $INTIF -s $EXTIP -d $INTNET -j ACCEPT

# local interface, any source going to local net is valid
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $INTIF -s $INTIP -d $INTNET -j ACCEPT

# outgoing to local net on remote interface, stuffed routing, deny
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -s $UNIVERSE -d $INTNET -j drop-and-log-it

# anything else outgoing on remote interface is valid

# ----- Begin OPTIONAL Section -----
# DHCPd - Enable the following lines if you run an INTERNAL DHCPd server
#         - Remove BOTH #s all the #s if you need this functionality.
#iptables -A OUTPUT -o $INTIF -p tcp -s $INTIP --sport 67 \
# -d --dport 68 -j ACCEPT
#iptables -A OUTPUT -o $INTIF -p udp -s $INTIP --sport 67 \
# -d --dport 68 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p tcp -s $EXTIP \
 --sport $UPORTS --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p udp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS1 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p udp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS2 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p tcp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS1 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p tcp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS2 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p udp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS3 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p tcp -s $EXTIP --sport $UPORTS -d $DNS3 \
 --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -m state --state NEW -p tcp -s $EXTIP \
 --sport $UPORTS --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p tcp -s $EXTIP -d $UNIVERSE --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXTIF -p udp -s $EXTIP -d $UNIVERSE --dport 111 -j ACCEPT
# ----- End OPTIONAL Section -----
# Catch all rule, all other outgoing is denied and logged.
iptables -A OUTPUT -s $UNIVERSE -d $UNIVERSE -j drop-and-log-it

echo -e "   - Loading FORWARD rulesets"
# FORWARD: Enable Forwarding and thus IPMASQ
echo "     - FWD: Allow all connections OUT and only existing/related IN"
iptables -A FORWARD -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED \
iptables -A FORWARD -i $INTIF -o $EXTIF -j ACCEPT
# Catch all rule, all other forwarding is denied and logged.
iptables -A FORWARD -j drop-and-log-it

echo "     - NAT: Enabling SNAT (MASQUERADE) functionality on $EXTIF"
#More liberal form
#iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j MASQUERADE
#Stricter form
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $EXTIF -j SNAT --to $EXTIP


echo -e "\nDone.\n"
Best regards,
Gary Lee

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