I see the problem as well.. I think it's caused by the fact that many of the individual messages in the are content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable, but the digest has no content-transfer-encoding in the header, so the quoted-printable data inside the messages included in the digest is treated as plain text and incorrectly formatted.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 08:59:16AM -0800, Carol Anne Ogdin wrote:
Is there any way to change the listserv so it doesn't convert control characters (e.g., tabs, quotes and spaces at ends of lines) to '=3Dxx' form of hex characters. It's hard to read. (I read the digest, so perhaps the problem lies there, and not in the main listserv?) Does your listserv software have a conversion table you can set that will make things more readable?
I don't see this, and I'm getting the list direct. The =3DXX thing is "Quoted Printable" encoding. Probably an option on the listserv to turn it on/off for the digest.
If we know that ALL messages contained in the digest are quoted-printable, then it would just be a matter of changing the content-type of the digest, but I've noticed the problem doesn't occur on all messages.. some are fine.. so... I guess people's mailers are simply posting as quoted-printable, and the digest process is just including the message body as-is