Re: Using an device alias?

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It doesn't make sense to attach rules to alias interfaces, since the
packets are coming in the same physical interface whether it is eth0:1
or eth0.

So if you use just eth0 your rules should work as expected as long as
you qualify them further with the correct (alias)ip.


On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 21:28, Steve M Bibayoff wrote:
> Sorry if everyone gets this twice, this one is a
> second posting when I realized this was a closed list.
> Original question:
> Is it possible to use iptables with a device alias
> (ex.. eth0:1)? I tries to add a filter rule and got
> an error:
> % iptables -t filter -I INPUT -i eth0:1 -j ACCEPT
> Warning: wierd character in interface `eth0:1' (No
> aliases, :, ! or *).
> If i list the rules, it's listed, but it doesn't
> appear to be working. I was wondering if someone had
> a definite answer.
> Steve
(  Raymond Leach                       )
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