I tryed that and re-started #chkconfig 2345 80 30 And firewall script starts but the rules didnt run ...Sooo this is what i did im not sure if it is the proper method but everything seems to be working: i installed the latest iptables rpm package iptables-1.2.5.rpm and then rebooted and it worked? Could something go worng by doing this if soo what could have been another method to fix it. --- Joel Newkirk <netfilter@newkirk.us> wrote: > On Monday 23 December 2002 01:26 am, Silkk wrote: > > Here is the error message im getting i found it in /var/log/boot.log > > firewall: /etc/rc3.d/s80 firewall: iptables: command not found > > last message repeated 71 times > > Try changing "iptables" to "/sbin/iptables" or whatever path it actually > lives on. (that's the one for an RPM install under RedHat, I believe) > You can't count on a script having valid paths set up during the system > startup, play it safe and be explicit. > > j > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do you Yahoo!? > > No, I don't... :^) __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. http://mailplus.yahoo.com