I'm pleased to announce the release of metawall 0.12. Metawall is a perl script that allows you to write firewall rules in a simple metalanguage. These rules can then be used to generate packet filtering commands for a variety of backend targets. For more information, see the metawall home page: http://www.pheran.com/metawall/ The script is also available on CPAN: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SS/SSNODGRA/metawall-0.12.pl Questions, comments, and bug reports are welcomed. Changes since version 0.10: * Replaced -i install option with more flexible -c chain name option * Added support for TCP flags * Added support for IP protocol numbers * Changed what types of ICMP rules generate stateless reply rules * Symbols may now contain '-' characters * Fixed some buglets in symbol and token parsing * Added a few more protocols -- Steve Snodgrass * ssnodgra@pheran.com * Network and Unix Guru(?) at Large Geek Code: GCS d? s: a C++ US++++$ P+++ L+ w PS+ 5++ b++ DI+ D++ e++ r+++ y+* "If you want to be somebody else, change your mind." -Sister Hazel