iptables, portforward, DNAT, SNAT

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On Thursday 31 October 2002 3:33 pm, Thomas Meindl wrote:

> #!/bin/bash
> EXTIF=eth0
> INTIF=eth1
> EXTIP=www.xxx.yyy.zzz
> #here I'll make some
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/*

Does that line really say "echo 1 to every file in the /proc/sys/net/ipv4 
directory" !?

Why ???

> #to some features like ip_dynaddr, ip_forward, tcp_syncookie
> #then I set the default policies
> #accept everything except the FORWARD chain
> #and flush them
> iptables -P INPUT -j ACCEPT

I don't like that - you should have a default DROP on INPUT and then create 
rules to ACCEPT what you know you want.   Otherwise you're accepting anything 
anyone cares to send you....

> iptables -F INPUT
> iptables -P OUTPUT -j ACCEPT
> iptables -F OUTPUT
> iptables -P FORWARD -j DROP
> iptables -F FORWARD
> iptables -t nat -f        #flush the nat table
> # and here's my little disaster
> # i try to forward port 1234 to my internal www-server
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i $EXTIF -d $EXTIP --dport 1234 -j
> DNAT --to-destination $WWWSRV:80

Okay - that will redirect the incoming packets on TCP port 1234 to your 
internal web server, port 80

> iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -d $WWWSRV --dport 80 -j 

That rule will forward the packets through your firewall to the web server 
(do you have a rule somewhere to allow the replies back again ?)

> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -o $EXTIF -s $WWWSRV --sport 80 -j 
SNAT --to-source $EXTIP:1234

I don't understand this rule - replies from the webserver are going to get 
automagically reverse NATted anyway, so this rule is redundant...

> # for what i understand from iptables till now is
> # packet comes in thru ethernet, arrives in kernel
> # so packet looks like this
> # ip-layer: source-ip: WWWREQUEST  destination-ip: $EXTIP
> # tcp-layer: source-port: a port higher than 1024   destination-port: 1234
> # and hits the PREROUTING chain

Looks good so far.

> # with the DNAT rule above it changes following
> # ip-layer: source-ip: WWWREQUEST   destination-ip: $WWSRV
> # tcp-layer: source-port: a port higher than 1024   destination-port: 80


> # then hits FORWARD chain (usually it would hit the INPUT chain,
> # but we changed that with DNAT; it has to go out on $INTIF to reach
> # its destination..)


> # with the FORWARD rule it can bypass..

Sorry - what do you mean ?

> # when applying DNAT all other packets in that stream are bypassed as well

All other packets in that stream are translated (both ways), yes.

> # with this two rules it is sure that a request from a www-client from
> # the inet is reaching the inner $WWWSRV, and the $WWWSRV can respond but
> # there is still something wrong with the reply packet:
> # ip-layer: source-ip: $WWWSRV destination-ip: WWWREQUEST
> # tcp-layer: source-port: 80   destination-port: 1024:

That's how it goes out from the web server, yes, but that doesn't show the 
reverse NAT which will have been applied by netfilter by the time it gets 
back to the client.   Borrowing your terminology, that would look like:

> # ip-layer: source-ip: $EXTIP destination-ip: WWWREQUEST
> # tcp-layer: source-port: 1234   destination-port: 1024:

> # when the packet arrives at the WWWREQUEST-host-browser it doesn't know
> # what to do with the packet (there was no request to this host $WWWSRV)
> # so here comes rule 3; it changes the source ip and port to this
> # ip-layer: source-ip: $EXTIP destination-ip: WWWREQUEST
> # tcp-layer: source-port: 1234   destination-port: 1024:
> # now the packet seems like the awaited reply from the request
> # he has given to $EXTIP:1234

I think you do not realise that netfilter automagically applies the reverse 
NAT rules to reply packets, so you do not have to create your own rules to do 

> # and another few rules to complete the firewall script
> # allow all connections from inside out and only related
> # and established ones in
> iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -m state --state
> iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -o $EXTIF -i $INTIF -j ACCEPT

Okay, these two rules (specifically the last one) will allow your replies 
back out from the web server to the client.

> # enable masquerading

"NAT" in this rule should read "nat" - it matters !

> I hope anyone out there can help me..
> I tried serveral permutations with the three portforwarding rules:

I think if you remove the third one it will work.

> I changed some params or even let them away
> One Variation was to ACCEPT the full FORWARD chain

Ugh !!!



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