Hi, i recently ran patch-o-matic to patch my kernel for the string match from the extra patches. I ran patch-o-matic, and it copied the string files to /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4/netfilter. Ok, so far so good. I went to compile my kernel, and have ipt_string as a module. I did so by adding the line CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STRING=m in my /usr/src/linux/.config. I proceeded to do the standard make dep ; make modules ; make modules_install ; make bzImage. THe kernel compiled, i rebooted, and was successfully able to modprobe ipt_string. (/lib/modules/2.4.19/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ipt_string.o) However, when i went to make use of the ipt_string match in an iptables rule, i was given the following error: iptables v1.2.7a: Couldn't load match `string':/usr/local/lib/iptables/libipt_st ring.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Upon inspection, the libipt_string.so did not exist in /usr/local/lib/iptables. How do i get this netfilter library to exist? I had this problem the last time i patched my kernel to support ipt_psd, but i cannot recall how i was able to get the psd library to exist. Did i miss a step while patching this time? Anyone with help please respond to the list and my email directly - jamesstickland@sympatico.ca Thank you.