On Wednesday 06 November 2002 11:54 pm, Andrew Smith wrote: > > Okay, so this means you have 156 connections being tracked through your > > firewall (seems a perfectly reasonable number for 200 users), with > > capacity for up to 65424 connections before the box gets overloaded. > > > > If you ever got more than 65424 connections from 200 users it would > > indicate a serious problem (eg Nimda on the machines...) - I would > > never expect that to happen. > > Never heard of CounterStrike? No, not really - I assume it's a game of some sort, but I know nothing about it. > Only takes a few users to do a 'get server list' at the same time to > fill a conntrack table that size. Doesn't sound like a very well-written application to me. Antony. -- How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. - 3.14159265358979