This is v2 including one more fix for ipv4 option match in nft_exthdr. -o- Hi, The following patchset contains Netfilter/IPVS fixes for net: 1) Missing initialization of cpu and jiffies32 fields in conncount, from Kohei Enju. 2) Skip several tests in case kernel is tainted, otherwise tests bogusly report failure too as they also check for tainted kernel, from Florian Westphal. 3) Fix a hyphothetical integer overflow in do_ip_vs_get_ctl() leading to bogus error logs, from Dan Carpenter. 4) Fix incorrect offset in ipv4 option match in nft_exthdr, from Alexey Kashavkin. Please, pull these changes from: git:// nf-25-03-13 Thanks. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following changes since commit 77b2ab31fc65c595ca0a339f6c5b8ef3adfae5c6: MAINTAINERS: sfc: remove Martin Habets (2025-03-10 13:34:15 -0700) are available in the Git repository at: git:// tags/nf-25-03-13 for you to fetch changes up to 6edd78af9506bb182518da7f6feebd75655d9a0e: netfilter: nft_exthdr: fix offset with ipv4_find_option() (2025-03-13 10:02:39 +0100) ---------------------------------------------------------------- netfilter pull request 25-03-13 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Alexey Kashavkin (1): netfilter: nft_exthdr: fix offset with ipv4_find_option() Dan Carpenter (1): ipvs: prevent integer overflow in do_ip_vs_get_ctl() Florian Westphal (1): selftests: netfilter: skip br_netfilter queue tests if kernel is tainted Kohei Enju (1): netfilter: nf_conncount: Fully initialize struct nf_conncount_tuple in insert_tree() net/netfilter/ipvs/ip_vs_ctl.c | 8 ++++---- net/netfilter/nf_conncount.c | 2 ++ net/netfilter/nft_exthdr.c | 10 ++++------ tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/ | 7 +++++++ tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/ | 7 +++++++ tools/testing/selftests/net/netfilter/ | 1 + 6 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)