Re: [PATCH v9 nf 00/15] bridge-fastpath and related improvements

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On Wed, Mar 12, 2025 at 05:21:29PM +0100, Eric Woudstra wrote:
> On 3/12/25 12:44 AM, Pablo Neira Ayuso wrote:
> > Therefore, I suggest you start with a much smaller series with a
> > carefully selected subset including preparatory patches. I suggest you
> > start with the software enhancements only. Please, add datapath tests.
> Then I will split it in:
> 1. Separate preparatory patches and small patch-sets that apply
>      to the forward-fastpath already.
> 2. One patch-set that brings the bridge-fastpath with datapath tests.
> > P.S: You work is important, very important, but maybe there is no need
> > to Cc so many mailing lists and people, maybe netdev@,
> > netfilter-devel@ and bridge@ is sufficient.
> Ok, but my main question then is which tree should I work in, and
> therefore which tag should I give my patches, [nf] or [net-next].
> I think it will get more complicated if I split my patch-set and half of
> the patches go to [nf] and another half to [net-next].

Use [nf-next].

> What do you suggest?

Probably I can collect 4/15 and 5/15 from this series to be included
in the next pull request, let me take a look. But it would be good to
have tests for these two patches.

I would suggest you continue by making a series to add bridge support
for the flowtable, software only, including tests.

Once this gets merged, then follow up with the hardware offload code.


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