[PATCH libnetfilter_log] build: doc: Install latest build_man.sh from libnetfilter_queue

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autogen.sh no longer fetches doxygen/build_man.sh from the
libnetfilter_queue project using curl.
Instead, just check in that file here.

Summary of updates (from git log in libnetfilter_queue tree):
512cd12 build: doc: Fix silly error in test
60aa427 build: doc: Fix `fprintf` in man pages from using single quotes
f54dc69 build: doc: Only fix rendering of verbatim '\n"' when needed
809240b build: add missing backslash to build_man.sh
6d17e6d build: Speed up build_man.sh
b35f537 make the HTML main page available as `man 7 libnetfilter_queue`
7cff95b build: doc: Update build_man.sh to find bash in PATH
088c883 build: doc: Update build_man.sh for doxygen 1.9.2

Signed-off-by: Duncan Roe <duncan_roe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 doxygen/build_man.sh | 276 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 193 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doxygen/build_man.sh b/doxygen/build_man.sh
index 852c7b8..50ab884 100755
--- a/doxygen/build_man.sh
+++ b/doxygen/build_man.sh
@@ -1,18 +1,25 @@
-#!/bin/bash -p
+[ -n "$BASH" ] || exec bash -p $0 $@
 # Script to process man pages output by doxygen.
 # We need to use bash for its associative array facility.
 # (`bash -p` prevents import of functions from the environment).
+# Args: none or 2 being man7 page name & relative path of source with \mainpage
 declare -A renamed_page
   set -e
-  cd man/man3; rm -f _*
+  # make_man7 has no dependencies or dependants so kick it off now
+  [ $# -ne 2 ] || make_man7 $@ &
+  pushd man/man3 >/dev/null; rm -f _*
-  make_symlinks
-  post_process
+  # Nothing depends on make_symlinks so background it
+  make_symlinks &
+  post_process $@
+  wait
@@ -32,9 +39,16 @@ count_real_pages(){
   for i in $(ls -S | head -n$page_count)
-  do for j in $(ls -S | tail -n+$first_link)
-    do grep -E -q $i$ $j && break
-    done
+  do
+    j=$(ed -s $i <<////
+.,.w /dev/stdout
     mv -f $i $j
@@ -47,35 +61,144 @@ make_symlinks(){
-  make_temp_files
   # set -x and restrict processing to keep_me: un-comment to activate
   # Change keep_me as required
-  #keep_me=nfq_icmp_get_hdr.3;\
-  #do_diagnostics;\
-  #
+  #keep_me=nfq_icmp_get_hdr.3
+  #do_diagnostics
+  # Record doxygen version
+  i=$(doxygen --version)
+  doxymajor=$(echo $i|cut -f1 -d.)
+  doxyminor=$(echo $i|cut -f2 -d.)
+  # Decide if we need to fix rendering of verbatim "\n"
+  [ $doxymajor -eq 1 -a $doxyminor -lt 9 ] &&
+    fix_newlines=true || fix_newlines=false
+  # Decide if we need to fix double-to-single-quote conversion
+  [ $doxymajor -eq 1 -a $doxyminor -ge 9 -a $doxyminor -lt 13 ] &&
+    fix_quotes = true || fix_quotes=false
   # Work through the "real" man pages
   for target in $(ls -S | head -n$page_count)
-  do mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
-    # Next file if this isn't a function page
-    [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || continue
+  do grep -Eq "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target || continue
-    del_modules
-    del_bogus_synopsis
-    fix_name_line
-    move_synopsis
-    del_empty_det_desc
-    del_def_at_lines
-    fix_double_blanks
+    {
+      del_bogus_synopsis
+      $done_synopsis || del_modules
+      fix_name_line
+      move_synopsis
+      del_empty_det_desc
+      del_def_at_lines
+      fix_double_blanks
+      [ $# -ne 2 ] || insert_see_also $@
-    # Fix rendering of verbatim "\n" (in code snippets)
-    sed -i 's/\\n/\\\\n/' $target
+      # Work around doxygen bugs (doxygen version-specific)
+      # Best effort: \" becomes \'
+      #              Only do lines with some kind of printf,
+      #              since other single quotes might be OK as-is.
+      $fix_quotes && sed -i '/printf/s/'\''/"/g' $target
+      # Fix rendering of verbatim "\n" (in code snippets)
+      $fix_newlines && sed -i 's/\\n/\\\\n/' $target
+    }&
-  remove_temp_files
+  target=$(grep -Ew INPUT doxygen.cfg | rev | cut -f1 -d' ' | rev)/$2
+  mypath=$(dirname $0)
+  # Build up temporary source in temp.c
+  # (doxygen only makes man pages from .c files).
+  ed -s $target << ////
+ * \\defgroup $1 $1 overview
+ * @{
+ *
+ * $1 - DELETE_ME
+ */
+int $1(void)
+	return 0;
+ * @}
+ */
+wq temp.c
+  # Create temporary doxygen config in doxytmp
+  grep -Ew PROJECT_NUMBER doxygen.cfg >doxytmp
+  cat >>doxytmp <<////
+INPUT = temp.c
+  doxygen doxytmp >/dev/null
+  # Remove SYNOPSIS line if there is one
+  target=man/man7/$1.7
+  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $target
+  [ $linnum -eq 0 ] || delete_lines $linnum $((linnum+1))
+  # doxygen and possibly newer run the first para into NAME
+  # (i.e. in this unusual group). There won't be a SYNOPSIS when this happens
+  if grep -Eq "overview$1" $target; then
+    echo "Re-running doxygen $(doxygen --version)"
+    ed -s temp.c << ////
+ * \\manonly
+.SH "Detailed Description"
+    doxygen doxytmp >/dev/null
+  fi
+  rm temp.c doxytmp
+# Insert top-level "See also" of man7 page in man3 page
+  mygrep "Detailed Description" $target
+  [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || mygrep "Function Documentation" $target
+  [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || { echo "NO HEADER IN $target" >&2; return; }
+  ed -s $target <<////
+.SH "See also"
@@ -96,7 +219,7 @@ fix_double_blanks(){
   while [ $linnum -ne 0 ]
-  do mygrep "^Definition at line [[:digit:]]* of file" $target
+  do mygrep '^Definition at line (\\fB)?[[:digit:]]*(\\fP)? of file' $target
     [ $linnum -eq 0 ] || delete_lines $(($linnum - 1)) $linnum
@@ -132,14 +255,13 @@ move_synopsis(){
   mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
   [ $i -gt $linnum ] || return 0
-  mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
-  j=$(($linnum - 1))
-  head -n$(($j - 1)) $target | tail -n$(($linnum - $i - 1)) >$fileC
-  delete_lines $i $j
-  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
-  head -n$(($linnum - 1)) $target >$fileA
-  tail -n+$(($linnum + 1)) $target >$fileB
-  cat $fileA $fileC $fileB >$target
+  ed -s $target <<////
+/^\\.SS \"Functions\"/;.d
+/^\\.SH SYNOPSIS/;/^[[:space:]]*\$/-1m'a-1
+/\"Function Documentation\"/-1;.d
@@ -147,81 +269,69 @@ fix_name_line(){
   # Search a shortened version of the page in case there are .RI lines later
   mygrep "^\\.SH \"Function Documentation" $target
-  head -n$linnum $target >$fileC
+  head -n$linnum $target >../$target.tmp
   while :
-  do mygrep ^\\.RI $fileC
-    [ $linnum -ne 0 ] || break
-    # Discard this entry
-    tail -n+$(($linnum + 1)) $fileC >$fileB
-    cp $fileB $fileC
+  do foundline=$(grep -En "^\\.RI" ../$target.tmp 2>/dev/null | head -n1)
+    [ "$foundline" ] || break
+    linnum=$(echo $foundline | cut -f1 -d:)
+    # Discard this entry (and all previous lines)
+    ed -s ../$target.tmp <<////
-    func=$(cat $fileG | cut -f2 -d\\ | cut -c3-)
+    func=$(echo $foundline | cut -f2 -d\\ | cut -c3-)
     [ -z "$all_funcs" ] && all_funcs=$func ||\
       all_funcs="$all_funcs, $func"
   # For now, assume name is at line 5
-  head -n4 $target >$fileA
   desc=$(head -n5 $target | tail -n1 | cut -f3- -d" ")
-  tail -n+6 $target >$fileB
-  cat $fileA >$target
-  echo "$all_funcs \\- $desc" >>$target
-  cat $fileB >>$target
+  ed -s $target <<////
+$all_funcs \\- $desc
+  rm ../$target.tmp
+# Prior to doxygen 1.8.20 there was a "Modules" entry which became part of the
+# "bogus" synopsis. Doxygen 1.11.0 replaces "Modules" with "Topics" still as
+# part of the "bogus" synopsis and so cleaned up by del_bogus_synopsis().
-  mygrep "^\.SS \"Modules" $target
-  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
-  i=$linnum
-  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
-  delete_lines $i $(($linnum - 1))
+  grep -Eq "^\\.SS \"Modules" $target || return 0
+  ed -s $target <<////
+/^\\.SS \"Modules/,/^\\.SS \"Functions/-1d
-  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $target
+  [ $(grep -E 'SH SYNOPSIS' $target | wc -l) -eq 2 ] || return 0
   # doxygen 1.8.20 inserts its own SYNOPSIS line but there is no mention
   # in the documentation or git log what to do with it.
   # So get rid of it
-  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
-  i=$linnum
-  # Look for the next one
-  tail -n+$(($i + 1)) $target >$fileC;\
-  mygrep "SH SYNOPSIS" $fileC
-  [ $linnum -ne 0  ] || return 0
-  mygrep "^\\.SS \"Functions" $target
-  delete_lines $i $(($linnum - 1))
+  ed -s $target <<////
+/SH SYNOPSIS/,/^\\.SS \"Functions/-1d
+  done_synopsis=true
 # Delete lines $1 through $2 from $target
-  head -n$(($1 - 1)) $target >$fileA
-  tail -n+$(($2 +1)) $target >$fileB
-  cat $fileA $fileB >$target
+  ed -s $target <<////
-  set +e
-  grep -En "$1" $2 2>/dev/null >$fileH
-  [ $? -ne 0 ] && linnum=0 ||\
-    { head -n1 $fileH >$fileG; linnum=$(cat $fileG | cut -f1 -d:); }
-  set -e
-  temps="A B C G H"
-  for i in $temps
-  do declare -g file$i=$(mktemp)
-  done
-  for i in $temps
-  do j=file$i
-    rm ${!j}
-  done
+  linnum=$(grep -En "$1" $2 2>/dev/null | head -n1 | cut -f1 -d:)
+  [ $linnum ] || linnum=0
+main $@

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