Re: [PATCH ulogd2 2/8] ulogd: add ulogd_parse_configfile public function

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Corubba Smith <corubba@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Provide a new function `ulogd_parse_configfile()` in the public
> interface, which wraps `parse_config_file()` to parse a section of the
> config file and communicates found errors to the user. It can be used
> as a drop-in replacement because arguments and return value are
> compatible.

Most patches in this series no longer apply to ulogd2.git,
can you rebase and resend?


> +int ulogd_parse_configfile(const char *section, struct config_keyset *ce)
> +{
> +	int err;
> +
> +	err = config_parse_file(section, ce);
> +
> +	switch(err) {
> +		case 0:
> +			return ULOGD_IRET_OK;
> +			break;

Up to you if you want to change it or not; you can reduce one
indent level:

	switch(err) {
	case 0:
		return ULOGD_IRET_OK;

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