[PATCH xtables-addons 0/2] A couple of build fixes

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The first of these fixes the building of libxt_ACCOUNT.so and libxt_pknock.so.
I sent this once before, at the beginning of December, but it did not elicit a

The second updates Makefile.iptrules.in to clean up some cpp dependency files.

Jeremy Sowden (2):
  build: fix inclusion of Makefile.extra
  build: clean `.*.oo.d` cpp dependency files

 Makefile.iptrules.in           | 2 +-
 extensions/ACCOUNT/Makefile.am | 2 +-
 extensions/Makefile.am         | 2 +-
 extensions/pknock/Makefile.am  | 2 +-
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)


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