Re: [PATCH] src: fix deref of null.ret in rule.c

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Anton Moryakov <ant.v.moryakov@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Fix potential null pointer dereference in `do_list_flowtable`.
> The pointer `table` is initialized to NULL and passed to `do_list_flowtable`,
> where it may be dereferenced. This can lead to a crash if `table` remains NULL.
> Changes:
> - Added a NULL check for the `table` pointer before calling `do_list_flowtable`.
> - Return an error code (-1) if `table` is NULL to handle the case where the table is not found.

This changelog doesn't match the patch.

> index f7582914..59d3f3ac 100644
> --- a/src/rule.c
> +++ b/src/rule.c
> @@ -1556,7 +1556,7 @@ static int do_delete_setelems(struct netlink_ctx *ctx, struct cmd *cmd)
>  	const struct set *set = cmd->elem.set;
>  	struct expr *expr = cmd->elem.expr;
> -	if (set_is_non_concat_range(set) &&
> +	if (set && set_is_non_concat_range(set) &&
>  	    set_to_intervals(set, expr, false) < 0)
>  		return -1;

You need to explain how "set" can be NULL here.

This gets allocated in nft_cmd_expand, where set was
already dereferenced.

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