Re: [PATCH v5 net-next 01/14] netfilter: nf_flow_table_offload: Add nf_flow_encap_push() for xmit direct

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On 2/4/25 21:49, Eric Woudstra wrote:
> Loosely based on wenxu's patches:
> "nf_flow_table_offload: offload the vlan/PPPoE encap in the flowtable".
> Fixed double vlan and pppoe packets, almost entirely rewriting the patch.
> After this patch, it is possible to transmit packets in the fastpath with
> outgoing encaps, without using vlan- and/or pppoe-devices.
> This makes it possible to use more different kinds of network setups.
> For example, when bridge tagging is used to egress vlan tagged
> packets using the forward fastpath. Another example is passing 802.1q
> tagged packets through a bridge using the bridge fastpath.
> This also makes the software fastpath process more similar to the
> hardware offloaded fastpath process, where encaps are also pushed.
> After applying this patch, always info->outdev = info->hw_outdev,
> so the netfilter code can be further cleaned up by removing:
>  * hw_outdev from struct nft_forward_info
>  * out.hw_ifindex from struct nf_flow_route
>  * out.hw_ifidx from struct flow_offload_tuple
> Signed-off-by: Eric Woudstra <ericwouds@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  net/netfilter/nf_flow_table_ip.c | 96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>  net/netfilter/nft_flow_offload.c |  6 +-
>  2 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Too bad the existing vlan push helpers can't be used. :)
Reviewed-by: Nikolay Aleksandrov <razor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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