Hi, I have updated the 1.0.6.y -stable branch: https://git.netfilter.org/nftables/log/?h=1.0.6.y This branch contains 254 selected commits out of the 753 commits available between v1.0.6 and git HEAD. I have run _current_ tests/shell and tests/py in git HEAD on this branch, with the following results: - tests/shell: W: [DUMP FAIL] 223/440 testcases/sets/meter_0 W: [DUMP FAIL] 162/440 testcases/sets/0022type_selective_flush_0 W: [FAILED] 107/440 testcases/sets/0038meter_list_0 These tests fail because 1.0.6.y does not include the code to convert meters to dynamic sets, it should be possible to make it later, this requires no kernel update. - tests/py. The following tests fail: - numgen inc compatibility with ipv4_addr datatype: this is a userspace feature that is missing, this requires not kernel updates and it should be possible to backport it. - icmpv6 match extension: there is an extension to improve matching capabilities of icmpv6 that is also not backports. This requires not kernel update, it should be possible to support it. - last statement: that tells you when last match on rule/element has happened. This does not require a kernel update, it should be possible to support it. - inner matching: this feature requires kernel >= 6.3. - bitwise multiregister: this feature requires kernel >= 6.13. Comments welcome. Thanks.