Hi Pablo and Florian I have one question is it possible to set list in netdev hook Like this : table netdev test { set test_list { typeof iifname flags dynamic elements = { eth0, eth1 } } chain INGRESS { type filter hook ingress devices = { @test_list } priority -450; policy accept; } chain EGRESS { type filter hook egress devices = { @test_list } priority -450; policy accept; } } table inet filter { set test_list { typeof iifname flags dynamic elements = { eth0, eth1 } } flowtable fastpath { hook ingress priority filter devices = { @test_list } } } Idea is to set interface in list not to create many chains for every interface now i receive: Error: syntax error, unexpected @, expecting string or quoted string or '$' type filter hook ingress devices = { @device_list } priority -450; policy accept; m.