I am trying to integrate my userspace tool with nftables directly, i.e.
without executing nft utility.
However, I failed to find any libnftnl-related documentation, so I tried
to play with examples located at
<https://git.netfilter.org/libnftnl/tree/examples>. I tried to run
nft-set-elem-add.c, but every time I got `error: Invalid argument'.
Could you help me troubleshoot this issue, please?
Some details about my system to help reproduce this issue:
0. Clone master branch from git.netfilter.org
1. nftables rules are:
# nft add table ip table_example
# nft 'add set ip table_example set_example { type ipv4_addr; }'
2. My linux kernel version is 5.15.32
3. Run the following command:
$ sudo ./nft-set-elem-add ip table_example set_example
Thank you!