Re: [RFC PATCH v4 10/15] seltest/landlock: add tests for bind() hooks

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On 04/04/2022 10:28, Konstantin Meskhidze wrote:

4/1/2022 7:52 PM, Mickaël Salaün пишет:


+static int create_socket(struct __test_metadata *const _metadata)
+        int sockfd;
+        sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0);
+        ASSERT_LE(0, sockfd);
+        /* Allows to reuse of local address */
+        ASSERT_EQ(0, setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one)));

Why is it required?

   Without SO_REUSEADDR there is an error that a socket's port is in use.

I'm sure there is, but why is this port reused? I think this means that there is an issue in the tests and that could hide potential issue with the tests (and then with the kernel code). Could you investigate and find the problem? This would make these tests reliable.

Without removing the need to find this issue, the next series should use a network namespace per test, which will confine such issue from other tests and the host.


+TEST_F_FORK(socket, bind_with_restrictions) {
+    int sockfd_1, sockfd_2, sockfd_3;

Do you really need to have 3 opened socket at the same time?

   I just wanted to "kill two birds with one stone" in this test.
   It possible to split it in 3 tests and open just one socket in each one.

I wanted to point out that these three variables could be replaced with only one (taking into account that successful opened socket are closed before the variable is reused).

It may not be obvious if we need to split a test into multiple. The rules I try to follow are: - use a consistent Landlock rule setup, with potentially nested rules, to test specific edge cases; - don't tamper the context of a test (e.g. with FS topology/layout modification or network used port) unless it is clearly documented and easy to spot, but be careful about the dependent tests;
- don't make tests too long unless it makes sense for a specific scenario.

+    struct landlock_ruleset_attr ruleset_attr = {
+        .handled_access_net = LANDLOCK_ACCESS_NET_BIND_TCP |
+                      LANDLOCK_ACCESS_NET_CONNECT_TCP,
+    };
+    struct landlock_net_service_attr net_service_1 = {
+        .allowed_access = LANDLOCK_ACCESS_NET_BIND_TCP |
+        .port = port[0],
+    };
+    struct landlock_net_service_attr net_service_2 = {
+        .allowed_access = LANDLOCK_ACCESS_NET_CONNECT_TCP,
+        .port = port[1],
+    };
+    struct landlock_net_service_attr net_service_3 = {
+        .allowed_access = 0,
+        .port = port[2],
+    };
+    const int ruleset_fd = landlock_create_ruleset(&ruleset_attr,
+            sizeof(ruleset_attr), 0);
+    ASSERT_LE(0, ruleset_fd);
+    /* Allows connect and bind operations to the port[0] socket. */
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, landlock_add_rule(ruleset_fd, LANDLOCK_RULE_NET_SERVICE,
+                &net_service_1, 0));
+    /* Allows connect and deny bind operations to the port[1] socket. */ +    ASSERT_EQ(0, landlock_add_rule(ruleset_fd, LANDLOCK_RULE_NET_SERVICE,
+                &net_service_2, 0));
+    /* Empty allowed_access (i.e. deny rules) are ignored in network actions
+     * for port[2] socket.
+     */
+    ASSERT_EQ(-1, landlock_add_rule(ruleset_fd, LANDLOCK_RULE_NET_SERVICE,
+                &net_service_3, 0));
+    ASSERT_EQ(ENOMSG, errno);
+    /* Enforces the ruleset. */
+    enforce_ruleset(_metadata, ruleset_fd);
+    sockfd_1 = create_socket(_metadata);
+    ASSERT_LE(0, sockfd_1);
+    /* Binds a socket to port[0] */
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, bind(sockfd_1, (struct sockaddr  *)&addr[0], sizeof(addr[0])));
+    /* Close bounded socket*/
+    ASSERT_EQ(0, close(sockfd_1));
+    sockfd_2 = create_socket(_metadata);
+    ASSERT_LE(0, sockfd_2);
+    /* Binds a socket to port[1] */
+    ASSERT_EQ(-1, bind(sockfd_2, (struct sockaddr *)&addr[1], sizeof(addr[1])));
+    ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno);
+    sockfd_3 = create_socket(_metadata);
+    ASSERT_LE(0, sockfd_3);
+    /* Binds a socket to port[2] */
+    ASSERT_EQ(-1, bind(sockfd_3, (struct sockaddr *)&addr[2], sizeof(addr[2])));
+    ASSERT_EQ(EACCES, errno);


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