Re: [iptables PATCH 2/4] tests: add `NOMATCH` test result

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On 2022-02-14, at 11:01:13 +0100, Phil Sutter wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 04:58:30PM +0000, Jeremy Sowden wrote:
> > Currently, there are two supported test results: `OK` and `FAIL`.
> > It is expected that either the iptables command fails, or it
> > succeeds and dumping the rule has the correct output.  However, it
> > is possible that the command may succeed but the output may not be
> > correct.  Add a `NOMATCH` result to cover this outcome.
> Hmm. Wouldn't it make sense to extend the scope of LEGACY/NFT keywords
> to output checks as well instead of introducing a new one? I think we
> could cover expected output that way by duplicating the test case with
> different expected output instead of marking it as unspecific "may
> produce garbage".

Something like the following?  One reason why I went with the `NOMATCH`
result is that in the two divergent test-cases, there is no -nft output
to match.  We can make that work by just using the empty string as the
alternative output since that will match anything.  I don't think it's
ideal, but it's simpler than overhauling the matching code for what is a
rare corner case.

From a18fa07425f82d71a46846e4f3656ec65155fd0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Sowden <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2022 12:49:23 +0000
Subject: [iptables PATCH v2] tests: specify non-matching output instead of
 `NOMATCH` test result

Recently, we introduced a new test result `NOMATCH` to cover the case
where the test succeeds for both -legacy and -nft, but the two variants
do not have the same output.  This patch does away with the new result
in favour of specifying the alternative output.  For example, instead of

  -j EXAMPLE-TARGET --example-option;=;OK;LEGACY;NOMATCH

which specifies that the test passes for -legacy with the output
matching the rule, but for -nft it passes with output which does not
match the rule, we specify the test as:

  -j EXAMPLE-TARGET --example-option;=;OK;LEGACY;-j EXAMPLE-TARGET --nft-option

which specifies that the test passes for -legacy with the output
matching the rule, but for -nft it passes with the different output
given in the last field.

In the case of tests which have no output to match, we leave the last
field empty:

  -j EXAMPLE-TARGET --example-option;=;OK;LEGACY;

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Sowden <jeremy@xxxxxxxxxx>
 extensions/libxt_NFLOG.t |  4 ++--         | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/extensions/libxt_NFLOG.t b/extensions/libxt_NFLOG.t
index 25f332ae16b6..b3241f51b153 100644
--- a/extensions/libxt_NFLOG.t
+++ b/extensions/libxt_NFLOG.t
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 -j NFLOG --nflog-group 0;-j NFLOG;OK
 # `--nflog-range` is broken and only supported by xtables-legacy.
 # It has been superseded by `--nflog--group`.
--j NFLOG --nflog-range 1;=;OK;LEGACY;NOMATCH
--j NFLOG --nflog-range 4294967295;=;OK;LEGACY;NOMATCH
+-j NFLOG --nflog-range 1;=;OK;LEGACY;
+-j NFLOG --nflog-range 4294967295;=;OK;LEGACY;
 -j NFLOG --nflog-range 4294967296;;FAIL
 -j NFLOG --nflog-range -1;;FAIL
 -j NFLOG --nflog-size 0;=;OK
diff --git a/ b/
index 6acaa82228fa..763e5b449ca5 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -192,17 +192,18 @@ def execute_cmd(cmd, filename, lineno):
     return ret
-def variant_res(res, variant, alt_res=None):
+def variant_res(res, variant, alt_rule_save):
     Adjust expected result with given variant
     If expected result is scoped to a variant, the other one yields a different
-    result. Therefore map @res to itself if given variant is current, use the
-    alternate result, @alt_res, if specified, invert @res otherwise.
+    result or different output. Therefore map @res to itself if given variant is
+    current, use "OK" if the expected result is "OK" but the other variant yields
+    different output, invert @res otherwise.
-    :param res: expected result from test spec ("OK", "FAIL" or "NOMATCH")
+    :param res: expected result from test spec ("OK" or "FAIL")
     :param variant: variant @res is scoped to by test spec ("NFT" or "LEGACY")
-    :param alt_res: optional expected result for the alternate variant.
+    :param alt_rule_save: alternative output if the variants have different output
     variant_executable = {
         "NFT": "xtables-nft-multi",
@@ -210,17 +211,40 @@ def variant_res(res, variant, alt_res=None):
     res_inverse = {
         "OK": "FAIL",
-        "FAIL": "OK",
-        "NOMATCH": "OK"
+        "FAIL": "OK"
     if variant_executable[variant] == EXECUTABLE:
         return res
-    if alt_res is not None:
-        return alt_res
+    if res == "OK" and alt_rule_save is not None:
+        return res
     return res_inverse[res]
+def variant_rule_save(rule_save, variant, alt_rule_save):
+    '''
+    Adjust expected output with given variant
+    If expected output is scoped to a variant, the other one yields different
+    output. Therefore map @rule_save to itself if given variant is current, use the
+    alternate output, @alt_rule_save otherwise.
+    :param rule_save: expected output if variant matches test spec
+    :param variant: variant given in test spec
+    :param alt_rule_save: expected output if the variant does not match the
+                          test spec
+    '''
+    variant_executable = {
+        "NFT": "xtables-nft-multi",
+        "LEGACY": "xtables-legacy-multi"
+    }
+    if variant_executable[variant] == EXECUTABLE:
+        return rule_save
+    else:
+        return alt_rule_save
 def run_test_file(filename, netns):
     Runs a test file
@@ -317,10 +341,12 @@ def run_test_file(filename, netns):
             if len(item) > 3:
                 variant = item[3].rstrip()
                 if len(item) > 4:
-                    alt_res = item[4].rstrip()
+                    alt_rule_save = item[4].rstrip()
-                    alt_res = None
-                res = variant_res(res, variant, alt_res)
+                    alt_rule_save = None
+                res = variant_res(res, variant, alt_rule_save)
+                rule_save = variant_rule_save(rule_save, variant, alt_rule_save)
             ret = run_test(iptables, rule, rule_save,
                            res, filename, lineno + 1, netns)

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