Hello! tl;dr Is there a technical reason why nfqueue balance as implemented does not use TCP/UDP ports as well as source/destination IP addresses? We've been having trouble with the queue hashing algorithm used by iptable's `--queue-balance` for traffic generated on-box (e.g. by a squid proxy) where a large percentage of traffic would be TCP, source IP of the proxy, and one google/microsoft/apple destination IP. This is made worse if the random seed causes two or more of these high traffic services to hash to the same queue. We are working on preserving the original client IP as the source IP to provide sufficient randomness to balance accurately, but in the meantime have wondered if balancing by port was not implemented because it was deemed unnecessary, or because of some technical reason which escapes me. I've been able to write a kernel patch which hashes based on protocol, IP and port for the CentOS 7 kernel we have in production which _appears_ to be stable. Is there an existing test harness I can use to validate this implementation? I'm willing to propose a solution for the latest 5.x kernel if other people think that this is a valid solution/use case. Kind Regards, Jake Owen