Hello, Nftables wiki gives this example for numgen: nft add rule nat prerouting numgen random mod 2 vmap { 0 : jump mychain1, 1 : jump mychain2 } I would like to use it but with map reference, like this: nft add rule nat prerouting numgen random mod 2 vmap @service1-endpoints Could you please confirm if it is supported? If it is what would be the type of the key in such map? I thought it would be integer, but command fails. sudo nft --debug all add map ipv4table k8s-57XVOCFNTLTR3Q27-endpoints { type integer : verdict \; } Error: unqualified key type integer specified in map definition add map ipv4table k8s-57XVOCFNTLTR3Q27-endpoints { type integer : verdict ; } ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ultimate goal is to update dynamically just the map with available endpoints and loadbalance between them without touching the rule. Thank you Serguei