Re: [PATCH nf] netfilter: ebtables: compat: un-break 32bit setsockopt when no rules are present

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> Maybe a different bug that passes a *wrong* size argument somehow
> that would under-allocate tmp?  mid underflow?  right >= xt[af].cur?

If I am interpreting this correctly, at the time of the panic (at 7c)
"right" is 0x2580249 (in ECX), originally coming from xt[af].cur via:

      59: 48 6b ff 70          imul   $0x70,%rdi,%rdi
      5d: 48 03 3d 00 00 00 00 add    0x0(%rip),%rdi
      67: 8b 4f 6c              mov    0x6c(%rdi),%ecx
      6e: ff c9                dec    %ecx

and later possibly modified in the loop.
xt[af].cur is set to 0 in xt_compat_init_offsets(). Is it also guaranteed
to be 0 if xt_compat_init_offsets() is skipped?

000000000000004d <xt_compat_calc_jump>:

int xt_compat_calc_jump(u_int8_t af, unsigned int offset)
      4d: e8 00 00 00 00        callq  52 <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x5>
struct compat_delta *tmp = xt[af].compat_tab;
      52: 40 0f b6 ff          movzbl %dil,%edi

int xt_compat_calc_jump(u_int8_t af, unsigned int offset)
      56: 55                    push   %rbp
struct compat_delta *tmp = xt[af].compat_tab;
int mid, left = 0, right = xt[af].cur - 1;
      57: 31 c0                xor    %eax,%eax

int xt_compat_calc_jump(u_int8_t af, unsigned int offset)
struct compat_delta *tmp = xt[af].compat_tab;
      59: 48 6b ff 70          imul   $0x70,%rdi,%rdi
      5d: 48 03 3d 00 00 00 00 add    0x0(%rip),%rdi        # 64

int xt_compat_calc_jump(u_int8_t af, unsigned int offset)
      64: 48 89 e5              mov    %rsp,%rbp
struct compat_delta *tmp = xt[af].compat_tab;
int mid, left = 0, right = xt[af].cur - 1;
      67: 8b 4f 6c              mov    0x6c(%rdi),%ecx

int xt_compat_calc_jump(u_int8_t af, unsigned int offset)
struct compat_delta *tmp = xt[af].compat_tab;
      6a: 4c 8b 47 60          mov    0x60(%rdi),%r8
int mid, left = 0, right = xt[af].cur - 1;
      6e: ff c9                dec    %ecx

while (left <= right) {
      70: 39 c8                cmp    %ecx,%eax
      72: 7f 2f                jg     a3 <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x56>
mid = (left + right) >> 1;
      74: 8d 14 08              lea    (%rax,%rcx,1),%edx
      77: d1 fa                sar    %edx
if (offset > tmp[mid].offset)
      79: 48 63 fa              movslq %edx,%rdi
      7c: 41 39 34 f8          cmp    %esi,(%r8,%rdi,8)
      80: 4c 8d 0c fd 00 00 00 lea    0x0(,%rdi,8),%r9
      87: 00
      88: 73 05                jae    8f <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x42>
left = mid + 1;
      8a: 8d 42 01              lea    0x1(%rdx),%eax
      8d: eb e1                jmp    70 <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x23>
else if (offset < tmp[mid].offset)
      8f: 76 05                jbe    96 <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x49>
right = mid - 1;
      91: 8d 4a ff              lea    -0x1(%rdx),%ecx
      94: eb da                jmp    70 <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x23>
return mid ? tmp[mid - 1].delta : 0;
      96: 31 c0                xor    %eax,%eax
      98: 85 d2                test   %edx,%edx
      9a: 74 12                je     ae <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x61>
      9c: 43 8b 44 08 fc        mov    -0x4(%r8,%r9,1),%eax
      a1: eb 0b                jmp    ae <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x61>
return left ? tmp[left - 1].delta : 0;
      a3: 85 c0                test   %eax,%eax
      a5: 74 07                je     ae <xt_compat_calc_jump+0x61>
      a7: 48 98                cltq
      a9: 41 8b 44 c0 fc        mov    -0x4(%r8,%rax,8),%eax
      ae: 5d                    pop    %rbp
      af: c3                    retq

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