nftables/libnftables packages for Fedora

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I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to discuss this.
If it's not, please point me the right direction and I will move it
there. :) 

I am packaging up libnftables/nftables for Fedora. 

libnftables has already passed review:

and nftables has yet to be reviewed:
but has some comments. (more always welcome)

I have some questions/comments/suggestions based on the packaging that
I thought would be good to run by nftables developers. 

1. Completely minor, but noted in review of both packages that the
COPYING file has the old fsf address in it. Would be great if you could
update to the new one.

2. There is some question about the /etc/nftables/* scripts. In Fedora
land, things in /etc/ should be config files, but these aren't really
config files. They call nft without a full path (/usr/sbin/nft, etc).
Should these really be in /usr/share ? or is it expected users will
modify them? Could you clarify the use case there?

3. nftables hard codes installing as root, which is no good for
building packages (patch attached that just removes the owner/group
setting there). 

4. nftables sets make to '-s' (ie, silent) on subdirs. It's good for
building packages to have verbose output in build logs. Would it be
possible to remove that? If not I can patch it out here. 

5. Is there currently, or planned any version coupling between
libnftables and nftables? Obviously we want them to stay somewhat
close, but down the road will compat be just by soname/version? 

6. I recently enabled the xml stuff in libnftables and am seeing a
number of tests fail: 

parsing xmlfiles/55-rule-real.xml: FAILED (Invalid argument)
parsing xmlfiles/74-set.xml: FAILED (Invalid argument)
mxml: <!-- nft add rule filter output ct secmark 0 counter --> cannot
be a second root node after <nftables>

Full build log at:

Are these expected? The Invalid argument might be because it doesn't
have nftables available in the build kernel? But the json tests
work. :( 

Thanks. Again, if I should send this somewhere else instead, just let
me know. Comments welcome here, direct email and/or in the above review
bugs. ;) 

diff -Nur nftables-0.0.orig/doc/ nftables-0.0/doc/
--- nftables-0.0.orig/doc/	2013-11-29 03:29:41.000000000 -0700
+++ nftables-0.0/doc/	2013-11-30 14:31:33.159267834 -0700
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
 		@echo -e "  INSTALL\tdoc"
 		if test -n "$(mandocs-y)"; then \
 			$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)/${mandir}/man8 ;\
-			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -o root -g root $(mandocs-y) \
+			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -p $(mandocs-y) \
 					$(DESTDIR)/${mandir}/man8/ ;\
 		if test -n "$(pdfdocs-y)"; then \
 			$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)/${pdfdir} ;\
-			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -o root -g root $(pdfdocs-y) \
+			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -p $(pdfdocs-y) \
 					$(DESTDIR)/${pdfdir}/ ;\
diff -Nur nftables-0.0.orig/files/ nftables-0.0/files/
--- nftables-0.0.orig/files/	2013-11-29 03:29:41.000000000 -0700
+++ nftables-0.0/files/	2013-11-30 14:30:35.440421941 -0700
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 	@echo -e "  INSTALL\tfiles"
 	$(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)/$(confdir)
-	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -o root -g root $(SUBDIR)nftables/* $(DESTDIR)/$(confdir)/
+	$(INSTALL) -m 755 -p $(SUBDIR)nftables/* $(DESTDIR)/$(confdir)/
diff -Nur nftables-0.0.orig/ nftables-0.0/
--- nftables-0.0.orig/	2013-11-29 03:29:41.000000000 -0700
+++ nftables-0.0/	2013-11-30 14:26:03.461158244 -0700
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 			@echo -e "  INSTALL\t$1"
 			$(MKDIR_P) $$(DESTDIR)/$$($(1)-destdir)
-			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -o root -g root \
+			$(INSTALL) -m 755 -p \
 				$(SUBDIR)$(1) \
 install_targets		+= $(1)-install

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