Re: [PATCH] Accounting rework: ct_extend + 64bit counters

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On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Patrick McHardy wrote:

Krzysztof Oledzki wrote:
On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Patrick McHardy wrote:

 +    nf_conntrack.acct=
+            [NETFILTER] Enable connection tracking flow accounting
+            0 to disable accounting (default)
+            1 to enable accounting
Changing the default will probably result in surprises.
How about we make a config option (CONFIG_NF_ACCT_COMPAT)
that makes it default to 1 and print a warning that this
option is going to be removed/the default changed. Then
we add a target to manually enable accounting on a per-connection
base and kill off the compat option after a couple of
As far as I know there is now way to enable accounting on a per-connection 
base with a target as it is not possible to ad ct_extend to confirmed 
You can add it to unconfirmed conntracks though.
With a target? How?

However, I think we may still use CONFIG_NF_CT_ACCT but only to set a default value of this (nf_ct_acct) variable, is that acceptable?
We should move towards getting rid of the default value,
having this depend on a config option must only be a temporary
Fine. So I add this together with an entry in 
So we'd still need a target to enable it manually
Do you mean an iptables target (-j ...)? IMHO a kernel/module option plus 
a sysctl/sysfs interface should be enough.
and some kind of warning.

Best regards,

				Krzysztof Olędzki

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