hi all, I realizthis topic has been discussed in thpast (like a couple of years ago), buas I'vbeen searching and trying for a couple of days now withousolution - I thoughmaybe i'd give the mailing list a shot. I'trying to emulatnetwork jitter using netem - but I can't seem to gethframes to pass through without re-order. I'vtried adding a pfifo child qdisc (as thman page suggests) - but thadoesn'seem to help. I'on linux 4.10.7, and thesare the commands I use: tc qdisc add dev eth0 roohandl1: netem delay 25ms 25ms tc qdisc add dev eth0 paren1: handl20: pfifo limit 1000 aI doing anything basically wrong here? is theran easy way to fix thjitter without the re-order? thanks, Eitan