Drop pkt

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Hi, i'd likto know if theris a an istruction to repeat a behaviour. I can drop pkts according with a droppoing probability, but i need to know if i can drop always the same pkt.

Frolaurent.mariat thomson.net  Tue Oct  7 05:00:16 2008
From: laurent.mariathomson.net (Marie Laurent)
Date: Tue, 7 Oc2008 14:00:16 +0200
Subject: Drop pk- deterministic drop
Message-ID: <E55CA8ECFBA85E4CB8E8173566B9EFEB0163D4DA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Wheyou mean "thsame packet", do you want to perform deterministic
drop packets? This featurperiodically drops n packets among a period
of p packets.

If this is thfeaturyou are looking for, you can apply the following
patch. I havproposed ia year ago. (see enclosed mail).

Yours sincerely,


-----Original Message-----
From: netem-bounces alists.linux-foundation.org
[mailto:netem-bounces alists.linux-foundation.org] On Behalf Of
famstef3 alibero.it
Sent: lundi 6 octobr2008 11:55
To: netem
Subject: Drop pkt

Hi, i'd likto know if theris a an istruction to repeat a behaviour.
I cadrop pkts according with a droppoing probability, bui need to
know if i cadrop always thsame pkt.

Netemailing list
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From: "MariLaurent" <laurent.mariat thomson.net>
Subject: deterministic pruning patch proposal
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 18:33:54 +0200
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Froerwin.vanlonden ahds.com  Tue Oct 14 00:18:50 2008
From: erwin.vanlondeahds.com (Erwin van Londen)
Date: Tue, 14 Oc2008 00:18:50 -0700
Subject:  (no subject)
Message-ID: <B7F26A02AFF8EB44B8635EB1D34BAC2C0461512D@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Onthing you could try and hava look at is the /etc/sudoers file. In
recenkernels theris a statement which says:


Defaults    requiretty



Pua hash in fronof it and it should work.


I havanother problethat with kernel version 2.6.26 and up the basic
moddoesn'work anymore. The advanced interface still works.




Erwivan Londen



Level 4, 441 St. Kilda Rd.

Melbourne, Victoria, 3004


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Froerwin.vanlonden ahds.com  Mon Oct 13 23:41:16 2008
From: erwin.vanlondeahds.com (Erwin van Londen)
Date: Mon, 13 Oc2008 23:41:16 -0700
Subject:  (no subject)
Message-ID: <B7F26A02AFF8EB44B8635EB1D34BAC2C04615123@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Onthing you could try and hava look at is the /etc/sudoers file. In
recenkernels theris a statement which says:


Defaults    requiretty



Pua hash in fronof it and it should work.


I havanother problethat with kernel version 2.6.26 and up the basic
moddoesn'work anymore. The advanced interface still works.




Erwivan Londen



Level 4, 441 St. Kilda Rd.

Melbourne, Victoria, 3004


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Frolichanjuan04 agmail.com  Wed Oct 15 19:07:33 2008
From: lichanjuan04 agmail.co(Li, Chanjuan)
Date: Thu, 16 Oc2008 10:07:33 +0800
Subject: ask infomatioabouprotocol analyzer.
Message-ID: <1224122854.4194.22.camel@licj-pc>

     wheyou developa new network communication protocols from
scratch thais means design wholprotocol stack from bottom, do you
ussomkind of hardware protocol analyzer or something like that? If
anyonuses, pleasgive me specific infomation of the product you use.
I adoing my Ph.d topic on design and implemenof new network
communication. I need such devicto help me. So, if you havany
experiencon such device, pleastell me, I will appreciate.
 thanks iadvance.


Frofrederificc ayahoo.ca  Tue Oct 21 11:35:55 2008
From: frederificc ayahoo.ca (Fred Picher)
Date: Tue, 21 Oc2008 11:35:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Simulating VSAT links
Message-ID: <382744.99234.qm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


  I would likto simulata satellite link who is missing about 8% packets so that it's possible to try several TCP congestion controls (as provided with Linux) in order to fix the problem.  As a quick intro to NetEM, is there any recipies around that are doing just that ? 

Any comments welcomed !



Yahoo! Canada Toolbar: Search froanywheron the web, and bookmark your favourite sites. Download it now at

Frotom5760 agmail.com  Wed Oct 22 11:10:37 2008
From: tom5760 agmail.co(Tom Wambold)
Date: Wed, 22 Oc2008 14:10:37 -0400
Subject: PackeDrop and Duplication
Message-ID: <e246419f0810221110h46b9af02o743b6dfc5e166031@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello all:

I arunning somexperiments using Netem and found that duplicated
packets arnever dropped.  For example, running thfollowing

    tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedrop 100 duplicate 100

results ithinterface working normally.  Looking at the kernel
sourcin net/sched/sch_netem.c, theris the following chunk of code

    incoun= 1;
    /* Randoduplication */
    if (q->duplicat&& q->duplicat>= get_crandom(&q->dup_cor))

    /* Randopackedrop 0 => none, ~0 => all */
    if (q->loss && q->loss >= get_crandom(&q->loss_cor))

    if (coun== 0) {
        [...packegets dropped...]


    if (coun> 1 && (skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)) != NULL) {
        [...packegets duplicated...]

So, if a drop and duplicatis triggered athe same time, the packet
continues unaffected.  This results i"duplicated" packets thacan
never bdropped.

Is therany particular reason thait works in this way?  I would
maksensto me that if 100% of packets should get dropped, then
duplicates should bdropped as well.

I will writup a patch for this soon, unless theris a reason to do
things this way.

Thanks for your help!

Froneteat jan.reimes.de  Wed Oct 22 12:17:48 2008
From: neteajan.reimes.de (Jan)
Date: Wed, 22 Oc2008 21:17:48 +0200
Subject: PackeDrop and Duplication
In-Reply-To: <e246419f0810221110h46b9af02o743b6dfc5e166031@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <e246419f0810221110h46b9af02o743b6dfc5e166031@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <48FF7C5C.9020904@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>


ToWambold wrote:
> I arunning somexperiments using Netem and found that duplicated
> packets arnever dropped.  For example, running thfollowing
> command:
>     tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedrop 100 duplicate 100
> results ithinterface working normally.  

I don'know if this behaviour was intended when thenqueuing procedure 
was written, bui think Neteworks correctly here. All impairments of 
thnetecommand line should be AND-concatenated.

> [codsnippet]
> So, if a drop and duplicatis triggered athe same time, the packet
> continues unaffected.  This results i"duplicated" packets thacan
> never bdropped.

Thvariabl"count" indicates, how "often", an incoming packet should 
bgiven to thoutput. When a drop and a duplicate occurs, it wouldn't 
also matter, if you changthfunction calls and first drop it 
(count=0) and theduplicatit (count=1)...

> Is therany particular reason thait works in this way?  I would
> maksensto me that if 100% of packets should get dropped, then
> duplicates should bdropped as well.

As mentioned before, i think thAND-concatenation is thimportant 
point. I think iis prefered, thathe impairments you select are 
applied othcomplete traffic, not only on the one you don't drop.

Imaginyou hava stream of 100 packets, a drop rate of 30% and a 
duplicatioratof 10%. If you capture the stream, you would expect 
neteto havprocessed 10 duplicated and 30 dropped packets (which you 
may nodeteccorrectly because of the mentioned erasure). When 
applying your proposal, you would only get:

->30 packets dropped
->70 remaining packets
-->7 packets duplicated (10%)
-->63 packets with no impairment

HTH & Waiting for other comments,


Frotom5760 agmail.com  Wed Oct 22 12:49:06 2008
From: tom5760 agmail.co(Tom Wambold)
Date: Wed, 22 Oc2008 15:49:06 -0400
Subject: PackeDrop and Duplication
In-Reply-To: <48FF7C5C.9020904@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <e246419f0810221110h46b9af02o743b6dfc5e166031@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <e246419f0810221249q7a82b93fj32be7c3090793f86@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Jan:

> As mentioned before, i think thAND-concatenation is thimportant
> point. I think iis prefered, thathe impairments you select are
> applied othcomplete traffic, not only on the one you don't drop.

I think this is whaI was trying to say.  I'not trying to suggest
thaimpairments should only affecnon-dropped packets.  The
impairments (likdropping packets) should bapplied to the complete
traffic.  Duplicates artraffic and thus should bincluded in this
_complete_ traffic.

> Thvariabl"count" indicates, how "often", an incoming packet should
> bgiven to thoutput. When a drop and a duplicate occurs, it wouldn't
> also matter, if you changthfunction calls and first drop it
> (count=0) and theduplicatit (count=1)...

I'noproposing to reverse the order of the function calls.  I just
think thaduplicated packets should also bconsidered to be dropped
(or corrupted, delayed, etc).

> Imaginyou hava stream of 100 packets, a drop rate of 30% and a
> duplicatioratof 10%.

I would expecthathe following would happen:

-> 10 packets duplicated (110 total)
-> 30 packets dropped
-> 80 packets lefto bsent.

My understanding is thaevery packethat gets sent should have a
chancto bdropped.  This seems to more accurately represent a real
network.  Idoesn'seem to make sense that a duplicated packet
should never bdropped.

Thanks for your speedy reply!

OWed, Oc22, 2008 at 3:17 PM, Jan <netem at jan.reimes.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> ToWambold wrote:
>> I arunning somexperiments using Netem and found that duplicated
>> packets arnever dropped.  For example, running thfollowing
>> command:
>>     tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedrop 100 duplicate 100
>> results ithinterface working normally.
> I don'know if this behaviour was intended when thenqueuing procedure
> was written, bui think Neteworks correctly here. All impairments of
> thnetecommand line should be AND-concatenated.
>> [codsnippet]
>> So, if a drop and duplicatis triggered athe same time, the packet
>> continues unaffected.  This results i"duplicated" packets thacan
>> never bdropped.
> Thvariabl"count" indicates, how "often", an incoming packet should
> bgiven to thoutput. When a drop and a duplicate occurs, it wouldn't
> also matter, if you changthfunction calls and first drop it
> (count=0) and theduplicatit (count=1)...
>> Is therany particular reason thait works in this way?  I would
>> maksensto me that if 100% of packets should get dropped, then
>> duplicates should bdropped as well.
> As mentioned before, i think thAND-concatenation is thimportant
> point. I think iis prefered, thathe impairments you select are
> applied othcomplete traffic, not only on the one you don't drop.
> Imaginyou hava stream of 100 packets, a drop rate of 30% and a
> duplicatioratof 10%. If you capture the stream, you would expect
> neteto havprocessed 10 duplicated and 30 dropped packets (which you
> may nodeteccorrectly because of the mentioned erasure). When
> applying your proposal, you would only get:
> ->30 packets dropped
> ->70 remaining packets
> -->7 packets duplicated (10%)
> -->63 packets with no impairment
> HTH & Waiting for other comments,
> Jan
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