Problewith constanvs. random variable delay

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Hi !

I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.

WheI set
tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
I gea constandelay.

Buwhen I set
tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.

Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.

Any Ideas ?

Dirk Markwardt
Cyriaksring 52
38118 Braunschweig

Froshemminger  Thu Oct  6 13:13:29 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051006131329.64c6778a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 06 Oc2005 23:40:16 +0200
Dirk Markward<dmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi !
> I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
> WheI set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
> I gea constandelay.
> Buwhen I set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
> I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
> Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
> takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
> delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.
> Any Ideas ?

Well with 2.4, HZ=100 so granularity is 10ms and UML is surto add
evemordelay (another clock tick).
How much bigger aryou seeing. with 0..25ms you should gevalues from 0 to about 40ms.  

If you wanaccuracy run 2.6 with HZ=1000 and noUML. Also setting
packescheduler clock to usTSC (i.e CONFIG_NET_SCH_CLK_CPU=y)


StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Frolafs  Thu Oct  6 15:37:18 2005
From: lafs (Luiz Antonio F. da Silva)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510061922590.8222@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I'using neteto insert delay and error between two machines, Source
and Sink. WheI usdelay, doesn't make difference if I configure tc on
Sourcor Sink, buwhen I insert error I need to configure it on Sink. If
I do iin SourcI don't loose one packet!

May I insertherror on Source and observe it? How do I do it?

Thanks iadvance,

Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Froshemminger  Thu Oct  6 15:55:43 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510061922590.8222@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051006155543.7d74bcfb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 6 Oc2005 19:37:18 -0300 (BRT)
"Luiz Antonio F. da Silva" <lafs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'using neteto insert delay and error between two machines, Source
> and Sink. WheI usdelay, doesn't make difference if I configure tc on
> Sourcor Sink, buwhen I insert error I need to configure it on Sink. If
> I do iin SourcI don't loose one packet!
> May I insertherror on Source and observe it? How do I do it?
> Thanks iadvance,
> Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
> Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Remember thaneteis a output queuing discipline, so it only operates
ooutgoing packets. In your casthat means at the source.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froshemminger  Fri Oct  7 13:27:43 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051007132743.427f4ceb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 06 Oc2005 23:40:16 +0200
Dirk Markward<dmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi !
> I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
> WheI set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
> I gea constandelay.
> Buwhen I set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
> I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
> Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
> takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
> delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.

You mighwanto try UMLSIM

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Frodmark  Sat Oct  8 08:21:35 2005
From: dmark aibr.cs.tu-bs.d(Dirk Markwardt)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <20051007132743.427f4ceb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4347E3FF.9060408@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Stephe!

>>I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
>>WheI set
>>tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
>>I gea constandelay.
>>Buwhen I set
>>tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
>>I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
>>Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
>>takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
>>delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.
> You mighwanto try UMLSIM 

Thank you for this hint. I will hava look on iASAP.

Dirk Markwardt
Cyriaksring 52
38118 Braunschweig

Frolafs  Sat Oct  8 12:01:33 2005
From: lafs (Luiz Antonio F. da Silva)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <20051006155543.7d74bcfb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510081315210.3392@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


After your answer I wenback to thmanuals and understood what you said.
Doing mortests I changed my sourcof traffic, before I used ping, with
no success. Using netperf, generating TCP traffic, I observed thexpected

Thank you!

Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Frodavid.wagner  Mon Oct 10 07:22:01 2005
From: david.wagner afokus.fraunhofer.d(David Wagner)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem to
Message-ID: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>



`tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
disis Mandrak10.0, 
network-card is 3c905c.
using ping to control. 

if i issue
`tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i get the desired latency for 
a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second, sometimes 10. 
buafter that, no packets arsent over this interface. 
tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, bunothing from this host 
abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available". 
i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s (>1000Byte each) during these 
tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer problem?.

`tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to normal: normal latency, bu
packets artransmitted. 
samprobleseems to have occured to other people, too: (german, busamproblem)

Any help would bappreciated,



Froshemminger  Tue Oct 11 09:42:50 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem
	to	increasdelay
In-Reply-To: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051011094250.35dca869@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OMon, 10 Oc2005 16:22:01 +0200
David Wagner <david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello,
> systeis: 
> `unam-r`:
> `tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
> disis Mandrak10.0, 
> network-card is 3c905c.
> using ping to control. 
> if i issue
> `tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i get the desired latency for 
> a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second, sometimes 10. 
> buafter that, no packets arsent over this interface. 
> tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, bunothing from this host 
> himself. 
> abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available". 
> i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s (>1000Byte each) during these 
> tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer problem?.
> `tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to normal: normal latency, bu
> packets artransmitted. 
> samprobleseems to have occured to other people, too:
> (german, busamproblem)
> Any help would bappreciated,
> regards,
> david 

How much memory do you have?

Also us'tc -s qdisc ls' to sestatistics.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Tue Oct 11 10:59:34 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem to
In-Reply-To: <20051011094250.35dca869@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051011175934.38528.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

aryou using pings? 

pings hava send buffer so if you delay packets then
this buffer fills up. 

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OMon, 10 Oc2005 16:22:01 +0200
> David Wagner <david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > systeis: 
> > 
> > `unam-r`:
> > `tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
> > disis Mandrak10.0, 
> > network-card is 3c905c.
> > using ping to control. 
> > 
> > if i issue
> > `tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i
> gethdesired latency for 
> > a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second,
> sometimes 10. 
> > buafter that, no packets arsent over this
> interface. 
> > tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, but
> nothing frothis hos
> > himself. 
> > abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No
> buffer spacavailable". 
> > i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s
> (>1000Byteach) during thes
> > tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer
> problem?.
> > 
> > `tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to
> normal: normal latency, bu
> > packets artransmitted. 
> > samprobleseems to have occured to other
> people, too:
> > (german, but
> samproblem)
> > 
> > Any help would bappreciated,
> > 
> > regards,
> > 
> > david 
> How much memory do you have?
> Also us'tc -s qdisc ls' to sestatistics.
> -- 
> StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yahoo! Mail - PC MagazinEditors' Choic2005

Froflegoff  Wed Oct 12 08:44:18 2005
From: flegoff le goff)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
Message-ID: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I anew to thlist. I search the archive and was unable to find
anything related to my problem. Sorry if thquestion has already been

Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
complicated and I don'know wherto look.

Cayou confirthat delaying/jitterizing suck streams is possible with
Whershould I look to makit work ?

Any hints would bappreciated.
Good day to you all,

Froshemminger  Wed Oct 12 09:29:26 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051012092926.1ce92b5f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 12 Oc2005 17:44:18 +0200
fabriclgoff <flegoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I anew to thlist. I search the archive and was unable to find
> anything related to my problem. Sorry if thquestion has already been
> asked.
> Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
> My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
> streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
> anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
> complicated and I don'know wherto look.
> Cayou confirthat delaying/jitterizing suck streams is possible with
> nete?
> Whershould I look to makit work ?
> Any hints would bappreciated.
> Good day to you all,

Thfundamental limiin the current implementation is the system HZ.
O2.6 iis configurable from 1000 (1ms) to 100 (10ms). Also on high
ratstreams, you need to maksure the internal queue is big enough
	limi> delay * max packet/sec

for 100 Mbps with full sizpackets and 100ms delay thais:
	100Mbps / 8 bits/byt/ 1500 bytes/pk= 8333 pkts/sec
	8333 pkts/sec * 100ms = 833 pkts
Also, you may need to maksurthe ring size is big enough on the
NIC becausnetetends to dump bursts of packets. It also aggravates
buggy NIC drivers with bad flow control.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froflegoff  Wed Oct 12 10:55:47 2005
From: flegoff le goff)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <20051012092926.1ce92b5f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <434D4E23.4070003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

StepheHemminger wrote:
> OWed, 12 Oc2005 17:44:18 +0200
> fabriclgoff <flegoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
>>My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
>>streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
>>anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
>>complicated and I don'know wherto look.

> Thfundamental limiin the current implementation is the system HZ.
> O2.6 iis configurable from 1000 (1ms) to 100 (10ms). Also on high
> ratstreams, you need to maksure the internal queue is big enough
> ie.
Ok. I havall thparameters. But what is the internal queue : the
driver queuor thsocket queue or none of them ?
And how caI tunthat queue ?
(I cannofind anything in thtc man)

> Also, you may need to maksurthe ring size is big enough on the
> NIC becausnetetends to dump bursts of packets. It also aggravates
> buggy NIC drivers with bad flow control.

How caI ensurthis ?

Thanks a lofor threply.

Froshemminger  Wed Oct 12 10:59:57 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <434D4E23.4070003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051012105957.40315348@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> [snip]
> Ok. I havall thparameters. But what is the internal queue : the
> driver queuor thsocket queue or none of them ?
> And how caI tunthat queue ?
> (I cannofind anything in thtc man)

Thinternal queuis the FIFO queue inside netem (you can replace it
with something elsse

Thsizis set by the "limit" option on the tc command line:
	tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 100ms limit 4000

Thdefaullimit for netem is 1000. This is set in the netem support
insidtc command. seiproute2 sources tc/q_netem.c

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froshemminger  Tue Oct 18 11:44:16 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem
	to	increasdelay
In-Reply-To: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051018114416.5450da86@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

You could try this patch. Thold coddepends on subtraction
returning a negativvaluwhich may not be true with all architectures
and config values.

--- nexgate.orig/net/sched/sch_netem.c
+++ nexgate/net/sched/sch_netem.c
@@ -187,10 +187,13 @@ static innetem_enqueue(strucsk_buff 
 	    || q->counter < q->gap 	/* insidlasreordering gap */
 	    || q->reorder < get_crandom(&q->reorder_cor)) {
+		psched_tdiff_delay;
+		delay = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter,
+				  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
-		PSCHED_TADD2(now, tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
-					    &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist),
-			     cb->time_to_send);
+		PSCHED_TADD2(now, delay, cb->time_to_send);
 		re= q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc);
 	} els{
@@ -250,24 +253,31 @@ static strucsk_buff *netem_dequeue(str
 		consstrucnetem_skb_cb *cb
 			= (consstrucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-		long delay;
 		/* if mortimremaining? */
-		delay = PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now));
-		pr_debug("netem_run: skb=%p delay=%ld\n", skb, delay);
-		if (delay <= 0) {
+		if (PSCHED_TLESS(cb->time_to_send, now)) {
 			pr_debug("netem_dequeue: returskb=%p\n", skb);
 			sch->flags &= ~TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
-		}
+		} els{
+			psched_tdiff_delay = PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now);
-		mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + delay);
-		sch->flags |= TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
+			if (q->qdisc->ops->requeue(skb, q->qdisc) != NET_XMIT_SUCCESS) {
+				sch->qstats.drops++;
-		if (q->qdisc->ops->requeue(skb, q->qdisc) != 0)
-			sch->qstats.drops++;
+				/* After this qleis confused */
+				printk(KERN_ERR "netem: queudiscplin%s could not requeue\n",
+				       q->qdisc->ops->id);
+				sch->q.qlen--;
+			}
+			mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delay));
+			sch->flags |= TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
+		}

Froosenbach  Tue Oct 18 12:18:59 2005
From: osenbach Osenbach)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: BryaOsenbach is ouof the office.
Message-ID: <OFB9273EB6.6D8506A0-ON8725709E.006A1BB1-8725709E.006A1BB1@xxxxxxxxxx>

I will bouof the office starting  10/17/2005 and will not return until

I will respond to your messagwhen I return.
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Frog9gk  Mon Oct 24 21:00:02 2005
From: g9gk (Md. Nurul Islam)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Neteand SCTPlib
Message-ID: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>


 I would likto know if anybody tried to tessctplib
( with netem? 
Thank you.

Md. Nurul Islam

How much frephoto storagdo you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos

Frojuliokriger  Tue Oct 25 11:36:20 2005
From: juliokriger Kriger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Neteand SCTPlib
In-Reply-To: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <682bc30a0510251136r107d05fbpa06771aaeb8a0e17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I used neteand sctplib. And both works very well.

O10/25/05, Md. Nurul Isla<g9gk@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would likto know if anybody tried to tessctplib
> ( with netem?
> Thank you.
> --
> Md. Nurul Islam
> ___________________________________________________________
> How much frephoto storagdo you get? Store your holiday
> snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos
> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stewie: [After Lois tries to feed Stewihis broccoli "airplanstyle"] Damn
you, DamthBroccoli, and Damn the Wright Brothers.
Julio Kriger
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Froshemminger  Mon Oct 31 20:30:01 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:17 2007
Subject: Packets Per Second
In-Reply-To: <568830273DB34B4CA3717D584351E8BC0101A666@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <568830273DB34B4CA3717D584351E8BC0101A666@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051031203001.5d7244d6@localhost.localdomain>

OSun, 30 Jan 2005 18:48:18 +0200
"YaroGottfried" <YaronG@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I havrecently installed "netem" in order to simulata delay of up to
> 600msec.
> I hava few questions abouthis "application" that I would appreciate
> if someoncan answer:
> 1. Iorder to simulata 600msec delay, packets should be stored in
> sombuffer. 
> I would likto know whais the size of the buffer in terms of memory
> and packets per second.
Iis a linked lisof packets, and the limit is one of the parameters
of thqdisc. Thdefault limit is 1000 packets.  If you want to limit
iby bytes, then thsimplest way would be to replace the nested qdisc
with a FIFO limited by bytes "bfifo".  Senetewiki page for examples:

> 2. Does this "application" simulatdelays of multicaspackets?

Yes all packets outpugedelayed.

> Thanks iadvance,
> Yaron
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Frodmark  Thu Oct  6 14:40:16 2005
From: dmark aibr.cs.tu-bs.d(Dirk Markwardt)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
Message-ID: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi !

I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.

WheI set
tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
I gea constandelay.

Buwhen I set
tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.

Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.

Any Ideas ?

Dirk Markwardt
Cyriaksring 52
38118 Braunschweig

Froshemminger  Thu Oct  6 13:13:29 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051006131329.64c6778a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 06 Oc2005 23:40:16 +0200
Dirk Markward<dmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi !
> I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
> WheI set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
> I gea constandelay.
> Buwhen I set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
> I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
> Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
> takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
> delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.
> Any Ideas ?

Well with 2.4, HZ=100 so granularity is 10ms and UML is surto add
evemordelay (another clock tick).
How much bigger aryou seeing. with 0..25ms you should gevalues from 0 to about 40ms.  

If you wanaccuracy run 2.6 with HZ=1000 and noUML. Also setting
packescheduler clock to usTSC (i.e CONFIG_NET_SCH_CLK_CPU=y)


StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Frolafs  Thu Oct  6 15:37:18 2005
From: lafs (Luiz Antonio F. da Silva)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510061922590.8222@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I'using neteto insert delay and error between two machines, Source
and Sink. WheI usdelay, doesn't make difference if I configure tc on
Sourcor Sink, buwhen I insert error I need to configure it on Sink. If
I do iin SourcI don't loose one packet!

May I insertherror on Source and observe it? How do I do it?

Thanks iadvance,

Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Froshemminger  Thu Oct  6 15:55:43 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510061922590.8222@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051006155543.7d74bcfb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 6 Oc2005 19:37:18 -0300 (BRT)
"Luiz Antonio F. da Silva" <lafs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'using neteto insert delay and error between two machines, Source
> and Sink. WheI usdelay, doesn't make difference if I configure tc on
> Sourcor Sink, buwhen I insert error I need to configure it on Sink. If
> I do iin SourcI don't loose one packet!
> May I insertherror on Source and observe it? How do I do it?
> Thanks iadvance,
> Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
> Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Remember thaneteis a output queuing discipline, so it only operates
ooutgoing packets. In your casthat means at the source.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froshemminger  Fri Oct  7 13:27:43 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051007132743.427f4ceb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 06 Oc2005 23:40:16 +0200
Dirk Markward<dmark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi !
> I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
> WheI set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
> I gea constandelay.
> Buwhen I set
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
> I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
> Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
> takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
> delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.

You mighwanto try UMLSIM

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Frodmark  Sat Oct  8 08:21:35 2005
From: dmark aibr.cs.tu-bs.d(Dirk Markwardt)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problewith constanvs. random variable delay
In-Reply-To: <20051007132743.427f4ceb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4347E3FF.9060408@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Stephe!

>>I hava problewith constant vs. random variable delay.
>>WheI set
>>tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 30ms
>>I gea constandelay.
>>Buwhen I set
>>tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 0ms 25ms
>>I gedelays which areven bigger than the mentioned 30ms above.
>>Thkernel is a 2.4.27 compiled for User-Mode-Linux. Thscenario above 
>>takes placwithin a UML virtual machine. I need thaccuracy in the 
>>delays for sommeasurements with a new kind of IP packelifetime control.
> You mighwanto try UMLSIM 

Thank you for this hint. I will hava look on iASAP.

Dirk Markwardt
Cyriaksring 52
38118 Braunschweig

Frolafs  Sat Oct  8 12:01:33 2005
From: lafs (Luiz Antonio F. da Silva)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Problems with error rate
In-Reply-To: <20051006155543.7d74bcfb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434599C0.4020906@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.58.0510081315210.3392@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


After your answer I wenback to thmanuals and understood what you said.
Doing mortests I changed my sourcof traffic, before I used ping, with
no success. Using netperf, generating TCP traffic, I observed thexpected

Thank you!

Luiz Antonio F. da Silva
Grupo dTeleinform?tica Automa??o

Frodavid.wagner  Mon Oct 10 07:22:01 2005
From: david.wagner afokus.fraunhofer.d(David Wagner)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem to
Message-ID: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>



`tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
disis Mandrak10.0, 
network-card is 3c905c.
using ping to control. 

if i issue
`tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i get the desired latency for 
a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second, sometimes 10. 
buafter that, no packets arsent over this interface. 
tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, bunothing from this host 
abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available". 
i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s (>1000Byte each) during these 
tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer problem?.

`tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to normal: normal latency, bu
packets artransmitted. 
samprobleseems to have occured to other people, too: (german, busamproblem)

Any help would bappreciated,



Froshemminger  Tue Oct 11 09:42:50 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem
	to	increasdelay
In-Reply-To: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051011094250.35dca869@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OMon, 10 Oc2005 16:22:01 +0200
David Wagner <david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello,
> systeis: 
> `unam-r`:
> `tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
> disis Mandrak10.0, 
> network-card is 3c905c.
> using ping to control. 
> if i issue
> `tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i get the desired latency for 
> a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second, sometimes 10. 
> buafter that, no packets arsent over this interface. 
> tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, bunothing from this host 
> himself. 
> abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No buffer space available". 
> i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s (>1000Byte each) during these 
> tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer problem?.
> `tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to normal: normal latency, bu
> packets artransmitted. 
> samprobleseems to have occured to other people, too:
> (german, busamproblem)
> Any help would bappreciated,
> regards,
> david 

How much memory do you have?

Also us'tc -s qdisc ls' to sestatistics.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Tue Oct 11 10:59:34 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem to
In-Reply-To: <20051011094250.35dca869@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051011175934.38528.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

aryou using pings? 

pings hava send buffer so if you delay packets then
this buffer fills up. 

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OMon, 10 Oc2005 16:22:01 +0200
> David Wagner <david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > systeis: 
> > 
> > `unam-r`:
> > `tc -V`: tc utility, iproute2-ss050901
> > disis Mandrak10.0, 
> > network-card is 3c905c.
> > using ping to control. 
> > 
> > if i issue
> > `tc qdisc add dev eth1 roonetedelay 100ms`, i
> gethdesired latency for 
> > a shorperiod of time, sometimes 1 second,
> sometimes 10. 
> > buafter that, no packets arsent over this
> interface. 
> > tethereal shows all traffic froother nodes, but
> nothing frothis hos
> > himself. 
> > abou30 seconds later, i ge"ping: sendmsg: No
> buffer spacavailable". 
> > i gethsame timing , if i send 500 p/s
> (>1000Byteach) during thes
> > tests.!so idoesn'seem to be a simple buffer
> problem?.
> > 
> > `tc qdisc del dev eth1`  brings everything to
> normal: normal latency, bu
> > packets artransmitted. 
> > samprobleseems to have occured to other
> people, too:
> > (german, but
> samproblem)
> > 
> > Any help would bappreciated,
> > 
> > regards,
> > 
> > david 
> How much memory do you have?
> Also us'tc -s qdisc ls' to sestatistics.
> -- 
> StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yahoo! Mail - PC MagazinEditors' Choic2005

Froflegoff  Wed Oct 12 08:44:18 2005
From: flegoff le goff)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
Message-ID: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I anew to thlist. I search the archive and was unable to find
anything related to my problem. Sorry if thquestion has already been

Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
complicated and I don'know wherto look.

Cayou confirthat delaying/jitterizing suck streams is possible with
Whershould I look to makit work ?

Any hints would bappreciated.
Good day to you all,

Froshemminger  Wed Oct 12 09:29:26 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051012092926.1ce92b5f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 12 Oc2005 17:44:18 +0200
fabriclgoff <flegoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I anew to thlist. I search the archive and was unable to find
> anything related to my problem. Sorry if thquestion has already been
> asked.
> Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
> My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
> streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
> anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
> complicated and I don'know wherto look.
> Cayou confirthat delaying/jitterizing suck streams is possible with
> nete?
> Whershould I look to makit work ?
> Any hints would bappreciated.
> Good day to you all,

Thfundamental limiin the current implementation is the system HZ.
O2.6 iis configurable from 1000 (1ms) to 100 (10ms). Also on high
ratstreams, you need to maksure the internal queue is big enough
	limi> delay * max packet/sec

for 100 Mbps with full sizpackets and 100ms delay thais:
	100Mbps / 8 bits/byt/ 1500 bytes/pk= 8333 pkts/sec
	8333 pkts/sec * 100ms = 833 pkts
Also, you may need to maksurthe ring size is big enough on the
NIC becausnetetends to dump bursts of packets. It also aggravates
buggy NIC drivers with bad flow control.

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froflegoff  Wed Oct 12 10:55:47 2005
From: flegoff le goff)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <20051012092926.1ce92b5f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <434D4E23.4070003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

StepheHemminger wrote:
> OWed, 12 Oc2005 17:44:18 +0200
> fabriclgoff <flegoff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Neteworks finand do exactly what I want.
>>My probleis that, as soon as I try to delay packets in high rate
>>streams (fro5Mbps to 40Mbps on a FastEtherneNIC), it does not work
>>anymore. Maybtheris some tuning to do somewhere but tc is rather 
>>complicated and I don'know wherto look.

> Thfundamental limiin the current implementation is the system HZ.
> O2.6 iis configurable from 1000 (1ms) to 100 (10ms). Also on high
> ratstreams, you need to maksure the internal queue is big enough
> ie.
Ok. I havall thparameters. But what is the internal queue : the
driver queuor thsocket queue or none of them ?
And how caI tunthat queue ?
(I cannofind anything in thtc man)

> Also, you may need to maksurthe ring size is big enough on the
> NIC becausnetetends to dump bursts of packets. It also aggravates
> buggy NIC drivers with bad flow control.

How caI ensurthis ?

Thanks a lofor threply.

Froshemminger  Wed Oct 12 10:59:57 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: High ratstreams
In-Reply-To: <434D4E23.4070003@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <434D2F52.5090404@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051012105957.40315348@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> [snip]
> Ok. I havall thparameters. But what is the internal queue : the
> driver queuor thsocket queue or none of them ?
> And how caI tunthat queue ?
> (I cannofind anything in thtc man)

Thinternal queuis the FIFO queue inside netem (you can replace it
with something elsse

Thsizis set by the "limit" option on the tc command line:
	tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetedelay 100ms limit 4000

Thdefaullimit for netem is 1000. This is set in the netem support
insidtc command. seiproute2 sources tc/q_netem.c

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Froshemminger  Tue Oct 18 11:44:16 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: interfacstops sending after somseconds using netem
	to	increasdelay
In-Reply-To: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <200510101622.01470.david.wagner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051018114416.5450da86@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

You could try this patch. Thold coddepends on subtraction
returning a negativvaluwhich may not be true with all architectures
and config values.

--- nexgate.orig/net/sched/sch_netem.c
+++ nexgate/net/sched/sch_netem.c
@@ -187,10 +187,13 @@ static innetem_enqueue(strucsk_buff 
 	    || q->counter < q->gap 	/* insidlasreordering gap */
 	    || q->reorder < get_crandom(&q->reorder_cor)) {
+		psched_tdiff_delay;
+		delay = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter,
+				  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
-		PSCHED_TADD2(now, tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
-					    &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist),
-			     cb->time_to_send);
+		PSCHED_TADD2(now, delay, cb->time_to_send);
 		re= q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc);
 	} els{
@@ -250,24 +253,31 @@ static strucsk_buff *netem_dequeue(str
 		consstrucnetem_skb_cb *cb
 			= (consstrucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-		long delay;
 		/* if mortimremaining? */
-		delay = PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now));
-		pr_debug("netem_run: skb=%p delay=%ld\n", skb, delay);
-		if (delay <= 0) {
+		if (PSCHED_TLESS(cb->time_to_send, now)) {
 			pr_debug("netem_dequeue: returskb=%p\n", skb);
 			sch->flags &= ~TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
-		}
+		} els{
+			psched_tdiff_delay = PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now);
-		mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + delay);
-		sch->flags |= TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
+			if (q->qdisc->ops->requeue(skb, q->qdisc) != NET_XMIT_SUCCESS) {
+				sch->qstats.drops++;
-		if (q->qdisc->ops->requeue(skb, q->qdisc) != 0)
-			sch->qstats.drops++;
+				/* After this qleis confused */
+				printk(KERN_ERR "netem: queudiscplin%s could not requeue\n",
+				       q->qdisc->ops->id);
+				sch->q.qlen--;
+			}
+			mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delay));
+			sch->flags |= TCQ_F_THROTTLED;
+		}

Froosenbach  Tue Oct 18 12:18:59 2005
From: osenbach Osenbach)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: BryaOsenbach is ouof the office.
Message-ID: <OFB9273EB6.6D8506A0-ON8725709E.006A1BB1-8725709E.006A1BB1@xxxxxxxxxx>

I will bouof the office starting  10/17/2005 and will not return until

I will respond to your messagwhen I return.
-------------- nexpar--------------
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Frog9gk  Mon Oct 24 21:00:02 2005
From: g9gk (Md. Nurul Islam)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Neteand SCTPlib
Message-ID: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>


 I would likto know if anybody tried to tessctplib
( with netem? 
Thank you.

Md. Nurul Islam

How much frephoto storagdo you get? Store your holiday 
snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos

Frojuliokriger  Tue Oct 25 11:36:20 2005
From: juliokriger Kriger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Neteand SCTPlib
In-Reply-To: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20051025125857.3C9A.G9GK@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <682bc30a0510251136r107d05fbpa06771aaeb8a0e17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I used neteand sctplib. And both works very well.

O10/25/05, Md. Nurul Isla<g9gk@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would likto know if anybody tried to tessctplib
> ( with netem?
> Thank you.
> --
> Md. Nurul Islam
> ___________________________________________________________
> How much frephoto storagdo you get? Store your holiday
> snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos
> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stewie: [After Lois tries to feed Stewihis broccoli "airplanstyle"] Damn
you, DamthBroccoli, and Damn the Wright Brothers.
Julio Kriger
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Froshemminger  Mon Oct 31 20:30:01 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:48 2007
Subject: Packets Per Second
In-Reply-To: <568830273DB34B4CA3717D584351E8BC0101A666@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <568830273DB34B4CA3717D584351E8BC0101A666@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051031203001.5d7244d6@localhost.localdomain>

OSun, 30 Jan 2005 18:48:18 +0200
"YaroGottfried" <YaronG@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I havrecently installed "netem" in order to simulata delay of up to
> 600msec.
> I hava few questions abouthis "application" that I would appreciate
> if someoncan answer:
> 1. Iorder to simulata 600msec delay, packets should be stored in
> sombuffer. 
> I would likto know whais the size of the buffer in terms of memory
> and packets per second.
Iis a linked lisof packets, and the limit is one of the parameters
of thqdisc. Thdefault limit is 1000 packets.  If you want to limit
iby bytes, then thsimplest way would be to replace the nested qdisc
with a FIFO limited by bytes "bfifo".  Senetewiki page for examples:

> 2. Does this "application" simulatdelays of multicaspackets?

Yes all packets outpugedelayed.

> Thanks iadvance,
> Yaron
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