July 06, 2020 MEDIA ADVISORY M20-076 NASA Provides Update on Commercial Crew Program, Close Call Review of Boeing’s Orbital Flight Test
NASA will host a media teleconference at 2:30 p.m. EDT Tuesday, July 7, to discuss the outcome of its High Visibility Close Call review of the December 2019 uncrewed Orbital Flight Test of Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft. Participants in the briefing will be:
Audio of the teleconference will stream live online at: To participate in the teleconference, media must contact Joshua Finch at joshua.a.finch@xxxxxxxx by 2 p.m. Tuesday for the dial-in information. Boeing was able to complete a number of test objectives during the December flight, but was unable to reach its planned orbit and dock to the International Space Station. An investigation team was established in March to develop recommendations that could be used to prevent similar scenarios from occurring in the future. In March, NASA and Boeing completed a joint independent review of the anomalies experienced during the flight test. A summary of recommendations and the action plan already implemented will be available online at: http://www.nasa.gov/commercialcrew Boeing’s Orbital Flight Test was an uncrewed test of the company’s Starliner crew spacecraft as part of NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. Learn more about commercial crew at: https://www.nasa.gov/exploration/commercial/crew/index.html -end- | ||
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