Next NASA Advisory Council Meeting Postponed

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  May 29, 2020 
Next NASA Advisory Council Meeting Postponed
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The NASA Advisory Council (NAC) virtual public meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 2, has been postponed until further notice.

The postponement is due to the delay of NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 launch, originally scheduled for May 27. The launch was scrubbed due to unfavorable weather conditions.Currently it’s targeted for Saturday, May 30, but could be delayed further if such weather conditions continue through the weekend. Postponing the NAC meeting will allow NASA leadership and others to focus their attention on the Demo-2 prelaunch, launch, and post-launch activities.

When the NAC meeting is rescheduled, the new date will be published in the Federal Register and made available at:

It will also be posted online at:

The NAC provides consensus advice and makes recommendations to the NASA administrator and consists of members from industry, academia and professional organizations who are chosen by NASA and serve at the pleasure of the NASA administrator.

The council typically meets several times a year for fact-finding and deliberative sessions. The meetings are open to the public.  Meetings are typically held at NASA Headquarters in Washington, as well as at NASA Centers across the country.  Due to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NAC meetings will be held virtually until further notice.

For more information about the NAC, visit:



Press Contacts

Sean Potter
Headquarters, Washington


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