NASA TV to Air Launch, Docking of Russian Cargo Delivery to Space Station

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  July 05, 2018 
NASA TV to Air Launch, Docking of Russian Cargo Delivery to Space Station

A previous Russian Progress resupply ship is pictured docked to the Pirs docking compartment as the International Space Station orbited over the Atlantic Ocean.

Credits: NASA

A Russian cargo ship loaded with almost three tons of food, fuel and supplies is set to launch to the International Space Station Monday, July 9. Live coverage of the spacecraft’s launch and docking will air on NASA Television and the agency’s website.

The ISS Progress 70 spacecraft is scheduled to lift off at 5:51 p.m. EDT July 9 (3:51 a.m. July 10, local time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Launch coverage will begin at 5:30 p.m.

The Progress 70 cargo vehicle, planned for a fast-track to the space station, will dock at 9:39 p.m. NASA TV coverage of docking will begin at 9 p.m. The less-than-four-hour trip will demonstrate an expedited capability that may be used on future Russian cargo and crew launches.

Progress 70 will remain at the orbital outpost until late January 2019.

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Press Contacts

Cheryl Warner / Sara McAlister
Headquarters, Washington
cheryl.m.warner@xxxxxxxx / sara.g.mcalister@xxxxxxxx

Gary Jordan
Johnson Space Center, Houston


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