NASA to Make Major Space Station Cargo Transport Announcement Today

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  January 14, 2016 
NASA to Make Major Space Station Cargo Transport Announcement Today

NASA will make a major announcement today at 4 p.m. EST regarding the future of commercial resupply launches to the International Space Station (ISS). The announcement will be made during a news conference from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, broadcast live on NASA Television and the agency’s website at:

The event will include a brief question-and-answer session with media.

The news conference participants are:

  • Ellen Ochoa, Johnson Space Center director
  • Sam Scimemi, ISS Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington
  • Kirk Shireman, ISS program manager at Johnson
  • Julie Robinson, ISS chief scientist at Johnson

Media may attend the briefing at Johnson, or ask questions by phone by calling the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111 no later than 3:45 p.m. Accreditation for international media is closed for this event.

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