April 29, 2015 RELEASE 15-075 NASA Awards Research Grants for Minority Serving Institutions NASA's Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP) has selected 10 minority serving universities for cooperative agreement awards valued at almost $47 million. Award recipients were selected from 76 proposals after a rigorous peer review by education and technical experts. Each university will receive as much as $1 million per year for a maximum of five years based on the availability of funds and satisfactory performance. The selected universities are:
Awards were made through the 2014 Education Opportunities in NASA Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (EONS STEM) NASA research announcement for the establishment of MUREP Institutional Research Opportunity (MIRO) centers. MIRO awards promote STEM literacy and enhance and sustain the capability of institutions to perform NASA-related research and education. The goals of the program are to expand the nation's base for aerospace research and development, increase participation by faculty and students at minority serving institutions, and increase the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees in NASA-related fields awarded to students from minority serving institutions. For more information on the award process, visit: http://go.nasa.gov/1zjK3K2 For more info on NASA’s education program, please visit: http://www.nasa.gov/education -end- NASA news releases and other information are available automatically by sending an e-mail message with the subject line subscribe to hqnews-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.