September 25, 2014
NASA Awards Glenn Multiple Award Construction Contract
NASA has selected eight companies to perform competitively bid construction and non-construction task orders at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland under a new multiple award construction contract. The multiple award contract is structured as indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity, not to exceed $200 million for all companies, during a five-year period. Each individual company’s contract will have a potential value, if all options are exercised, of $25 million. The contracts will provide a two-year base period and three one-year option periods The selected firms are Brigadier Construction Services, PPW Builders, Inc. and Terrace Construction all of Cleveland; Erie Affiliates, Willoughby Hills, Ohio; Pinnacle Construction and Development Group, Willoughby, Ohio; R.J. Runge Company Inc., Port Clinton, Ohio; Cherokee General Corporation, Federal Way, Washington and Meltech Corp. Inc., Landover, Maryland. The task orders will be performed at the center’s Lewis Field campus in Cleveland and Plum Brook Station campus in Sandusky, Ohio. The multiple award construction contract supports Glenn’s general construction tasks in the areas of architecture, civil, structural and mechanical engineering. Contractual services also include plumbing, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation and controls, demolition and design build. For information about NASA and other agency programs, visit:
-end- Sonja Alexander Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1761
Frank Jennings, Jr. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland 216-433-2776 NASA news releases and other information are available automatically by sending an e-mail message with the subject line subscribe to hqnews-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.